(Y/N's) first day (part one)

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"Hello I'm Dr.Flug Mr. BlackHat's Scientist and the giant blue bear is my creation 5.0.5 , it's nice to meet you" Flug said as he stuck out a gloved hand for (y/n) to shake .

" I'm (y/n) (l/n) and it's nice to meet you as well Dr. Flug and 5.0.5" (y/n) greeted with a heart warming smile as she shook Flug's outstretched hand.

Which unbeknownst to her made Flug blush bright red under his bag

"Uh well I was instructed by Mr.Blackhat to take you to his office so, he can tell you what you'll be doing for the organization after you had breakfast of course" Flug explained.

"Very well" (y/n) replied in a cool tone but, on the inside she was anxious to find out what was in store for her.

After Breakfast.....

(Y/N) followed Flug closely down the hallway that lead to BlackHat's office.

They eventually reached the double doors of said office , Flug knocked on them , and they received a gruff come in from inside .

The doors seemingly opened by themselves and Flug entered the room followed by (y/n) , the door then closed by itself with a loud bang.

"Please have a seat Miss (l/n) we have much to discuss" BlackHat said gesturing to the plush black and red seat that was in front of his desk.

(Y/N) took a seat in the chair

No Longer Neutral (BlackHat X Reader X Flug) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now