(Y/N's) first day ( part 2)

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"I suppose you are  wondering why I hired you for my organization" BlackHat asked .

"Yes I was wondering that" (Y/N) replied while looking to the side because she was intimated by her new boss.

"Don't look so scared my dear you're apart of my Organization now  which means that you're under my protection .... Well as long as you're loyal to me that is" BlackHat explained low chuckle.

(Y/n) then faced BlackHat with a flustered expression on her face .

"Your place in the organization miss (L/n) ito help 505 with the cooking and  house cleaning , assisting Dr. Flug in his lab, and most importantly being my personal assistant" BlackHat explained.

"Um What will I be doing as your assistant Mr.Blackhat" (Y/n) asked in a apperhensive tone. 

"Oh simple things like making me tea, helping me with paperwork, and attending social functions with me" BlackHat replied.

"Okay sounds good to me" (Y/n) said with one of her  heart melting smiles.

Which made BlackHat blush a bit but then he cleared his throat.

"Well yes I'm glad we're on the same page miss (L/n) , now go make us some tea then I want you tell me everything about you" BlackHat said in a flustered Tone.

"Yes sir Mr. BlackHat" (Y/n) said with a salute before she walked out of his office.

After making the tea......

"So, your mother was a Villian and your father was a hero very interesting" BlackHat said before he sipped his tea .

"Yeah I guess so, but you won't believe how much I was bullied for being the daughter of a Hero and Villian that's why I was homeschooled for grades 7-12,

Well that and my mom hexed the parents of the bullies and the whole PTA"  (Y/n) said before she took a drink of her tea.

BlackHat laughed at that.

Later that day .......

(Y/n) was helping Flug in his lab with his lastest invention when she saw a red blur run around the lab destroying everything in sight

"Dementcia STOP destroying my lab" Flug yelled which made the blur stop.

"Sooooo you're the new employee that my beloved BlackHat hired , I don't see what's so special about you" Dementcia said to (Y/n)  in a snide tone .

Which made (Y/n)'s blood boil

"Okay you asked for it Red, Dr. Flug I suggest that you cover your ears " (Y/n) said with a wicked smirk before she let out a super Sonic scream .

Which sent Dementcia flying into the wall and broke all the glass in Flug's lab.

"Still think that there's nothing special about me" (Y/n) said with a smile ,

before she fixed all the glass in Flug's lab with her magic.

"Wooow" Dementcia said in a dazed tone

"That was very impressive Miss (L/n)" Flug said in an awestruck tone.

"Thank you Dr. Flug and please just call me (Y/n) I insist" (Y/n) said with a blush.

"O-okay then in that case just call me Flug" Flug said in a nervous tone.

"Okie dokie Flug"(Y/n) said with a heart melting smile

Later that night......

(Y/n) was  sitting on her bed , wearing  her PJs , writing in her diary.

December 1st ,

Dear Diary,

Today I started my new job with the BlackHat organization and so far it's not so bad . My boss and co workers are okay.

I mean BlackHat is uh civil you know for being a demon if not a bit sauve .

Dr. Flug is truly a genius plus I think he's kinda cute even if he wears a bag on his head.

Dementcia is well different in her own way.

And 5.0.5 is just precious .

All in All I think I'm going to like working here .

- Till next time

(Y/n) then closed her diary and put it inside of her bedside table , she turned off her lamp , and went to sleep excited to see what her future had in mind for her .

Now that she was no longer Neutral. 

No Longer Neutral (BlackHat X Reader X Flug) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now