A date with Flug

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(key: (F/m) = Favorite movie
          (Fms)= Favorite movie snack)

A few weeks later......

It was (Y/n)'s day off and she decided to spend it with Flug who also had the day off.

So, the two of them made their to the Hatville movie theater.

"Two tickets for the 12:45 showing of (F/m) please" (Y/n) said when they got up to the ticket window.

"That will be 14.84" The movie theater worker said

(Y/n) payed him and he  handed them their tickets.

The two them then made their way to the concession stand,

and once they reached the front of the line (Y/n) proceeded to order snacks for the both of them.

"I'll take (Fms) and what ever he wants please" (Y/n) said with a smile .

"Uh I'll take a medium popcorn and a small soda" Flug said in a nervous tone .

Once the two had their snacks they headed towards the theater and settled down to watch the flick that (Y/n) picked .

After the movie....

"Wow (Y/n) that movie was really good" Flug said as the two of them walked out of the movie theater .

"I'm glad you liked it Flug , so did you have fun today" (Y/n) asked as she suddenly placed her hand in Flug's hand .  

"I-I did have fun thank you for a good day off (Y/n)" Flug said as he kissed (Y/n)'s cheek though his bag.

(Y/n) blushed at this action because she could kinda feel Flug's lips though the bag.

"Let's go home Romeo" (Y/n) said as the two of them walked home hand in hand .

But, unbeknownst to them two familiar figures watched them from a distance .

"Dr.Slug I think that it's time to pay my brother a visit " WhiteHat said to his scientist .

"Whatever" Dr. Slug replied in a uncaring tone.

No Longer Neutral (BlackHat X Reader X Flug) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now