A date with BlackHat

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A few days later ......

(Y/n) was helping 5.0.5 clean when she felt a chill run up her back , she turned around to see BlackHat smiling at her .

"What can I do for you Mr. BlackHat sir" (Y/n) asked with a smile

"I'm attending a Villains Ball that  is being hosted by one of my clients ,

and you are going to be my date for this evening" BlackHat said in a matter of fact tone.

"Okay if you say so Mr. BlackHat" (Y/n)  said before BlackHat handed her a big box

"I knew that you would agree , now I want you to wear this to the ball and I'll knock at your door at 7 sharp

so, I expect you to be ready by then" BlackHat said before he walked off .

After (Y/n) was finished cleaning she went to her room to get ready and,

after she was all dolled up she opened the box to see a beautiful black dress .

She put the dress on along with a pair of simple black heels that she had

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She put the dress on along with a pair of simple black heels that she had .

(Y/n) also put on her magical amulet to complete the look

It had been passed on from mother to daughter for several generations of her mom's side of the family

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It had been passed on from mother to daughter for several generations of her mom's side of the family.   

(Y/n) was all ready when there was a knock at her door.

(Y/n) answered it and she saw that BlackHat looked even more dapper that he usually did.

"You look stunning Miss (L/n)" BlackHat practically purred as he took in (Y/n)'s apperence 

"You look well dressed as well Mr. BlackHat" (Y/n) she while blushing.

"Thank you (Y/n) shall we , and just call me BlackHat for this evening" BlackHat said as he held out his arm for (Y/n) to take.

"If you say so BlackHat" (Y/n) said as she took BlackHat's arm .

After arriving at the party.....

"Sir BlackHat and his date Miss (L/n) the servant announced before the couple elegantly walked down the staircase

"Would you care for some champagne (Y/n) BlackHat asked his date as he spotted a waiter carrying a tray of Champagne .

"Uh no thank you BlackHat I'm not 21 yet" (Y/n) replied .

"Uh How old are you anyway " BlackHat asked in a curious tone

"I'm 19 BlackHat but I'm going to be 20 in February" (Y/n) replied with her signature heart melted smiles.

BlackHat just shrugged in response.

"Care to dance (Y/n)" BlackHat said as he bowed while offering his hand to his date.

"I'd love to BlackHat" (Y/n) said taking his hand.

The rest of the night was spent dancing and BlackHat wining and dining his existing  clients as well as new clients .

Later that night back at the Mansion........

"I had fun tonight Mr. BlackHat" (Y/n) said as the two of them reached her bedroom

"I'm glad my sweet (Y/n) and I did too oh and you can keep calling just BlackHat , 

I just love the sound of my name coming from your lips* hic"  BlackHat said sounding slightly tipsy .

"Okay Romeo goodnight , see you in the morning " (Y/n) said before quickly kissed BlackHat on the cheek which made him light up.

She then retreated to her room blushing as well .

BlackHat then made his way  to his  own room while holding his cheek and with a big smile on his face.

No Longer Neutral (BlackHat X Reader X Flug) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now