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He replied.
He replied last night.
It was just after this makeup box I wanted sold out.
It was the perfect trade.
And then I replied to his reply.
And then I did the smartes/dumbest thing I've ever done.
I asked him about the block party.
I just typed it, and sent it.
I stared up at the ceiling for a long time,
Till my heart calmed down.
And then He replied.
To my question,
Saying he's in Michigan.
And then I asked him another question.
I'm waiting for him to respond, and it's so similar to conor,
I would have to make a complicated list.

But I'm not as happy as I was with conor.
Because I'm not expecting this to go on for long,
Just his reply and that'll be it.
But ikept asking questions, which is so out of my character.
It's unnerving.
I guess he'll reply when I'm not thinking about it, which right now,
Won't be for a while.
Because god damn I miss him,
And I wish I was talking to him in person
More than words can describe.

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