Sanders Sides Part 2

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Romans pov:

I really wasn't expecting much when I went to go look for the weird anomaly/vermin thing, but the guys really wanted to see what was going on. So, like the big, brave marvellous Roman I am, I took action and proceeded all that I could acquire. (I don't even think that sentence makes sense at all but just go with it).

There was very little movement and unfortunately I couldn't see much; Thomas always keeps his kitchen dark so no one has to see him get a lot of food. So, I turned on my flashlight and I just so happened to fall right on the mysterious thing.

I gasped.

It's a little person! Like a little hobbit! I always thought that those little things are fairy tale; yet I'm also pretty sure that Thomas is literally imagining us.

The poor little thing, however, was shaking like a leaf and I couldn't help but sigh. I don't blame her; she's probably so scared to see something so tall.

"Ahah! So this is what has been running around!" I yelled in delight. Maybe I can make her feel better by showing her to the other guys.

"Guys, it's some sort of tiny creature!" I yelled again, making the others stir up even more.

"Well," Patton exclaimed, "Bring it over here already, I want to know if it's a spider!" I rolled my eyes in response.

"Yeah," Thomas said, "Virgil's becoming impatient over here."

"Ugh, fine, just give me a second."

I turned back to the tiny hobbit thing and quickly scooped it up, causing it to scream and yelp.

"Sounds feisty," Patton yelled.

"Roman, make sure it's not foaming; you don't want rabies." Logan said calmly, also with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Shush, it'll be ok, Romans got'ya." I smiled and started to calmly walk towards the living room, making the entire house go silent. Not even Patton was talking.

"So what did you find?" Thomas asked. Quietly, I said, "I don't know, it's like some kind of tiny person but she seems really scared." I slowly opened my hand to find the little human shaking like a life and looking upwards at me in fear.

At first nothing was said and there was no action.

"So-so this is what was running around?" Virgil asked apprehensively. "I think so," I stated.

"It's definitely not a spider," Patton whispered while looking at the human.

"Interesting," Logan said calmly.

"She looks sha-

"SHE'S ADORABLE!!" Patton interrupted. "Where did you get her? Why does she look so scared???"

"Patton, calm down!" Thomas exclaimed. "You're scaring her even more."

Sure enough, the little girl I was holding was shaking even more. "Aww, there's no need to be afraid, darling," I cooed.

A soft whimper aroused from her and we all couldn't help but awww once again.

The little girl looked up with worry in her eyes and tugged at her hair.
She smiled slightly but immediately stopped when she stared at Logan, who was eyeing her questionably. Virgil was tensing up.

Y/N's Pov:

The very tall human being was not afraid to yell. I would have thought it was fine if it didn't explode my ear drums half of the time. I get that he was yelling since he was at a fair distance, but I'll mention it later.

G/T Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now