Tyler x Tiny

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The giants were playing a game in the living room of the hosts house that I presume is named "Mark". They were laughing, enjoying themselves, not noticing that me from a distance was eyeing them closely.

There was one man in particular that really seemed to catch my eye. He had short, curly brown hair and was extremely tall. Even for a human height. He would always stare and quietly watch the other guys, and that really surprised me. Giants, in my opinion, are the loudest creatures on this earth; to see one that was the opposite kind of fascinated me.

There also was this korean looking guy, the one who everyone calls "Mark". Lastly, there was this short, brown haired guy who always was talking, always laughing, and always sporadic. The curly hair dude was the most quiet; he only laughed at certain times.

Sighing, I backed up slowly to one of the legs of the end table and sat down. It was weird watching them doing just their normal thing when there's not a tiny around. After all, they don't even know that I'm not in here.

Tinies and humans aren't necessarily supposed to be in contact with one another. A lot of times humans are a threat to us considering their size. Yeah, there are giants that are "nice" and some are "mean", but it's just normal to stay away. Sometimes humans try to take other tinies and keep them as pets but usually someone finds out about it.

It also just so happens that I followed these giants into their home because they just would not shutup. They were hauling those huge camera things around and videotaping our tiny homes, claiming that they should "invite" one over for a video.

Now, I know that this isn't supposed to happen, and giants know too, but I guess all of us just had a titch of curiosity built up. So, I followed them.

Turns out it was a huge mistake. Giants are much more clumsy than they usually are but they always, ALWAYS laugh about it. All three of the giants laughed about everything, which, don't get me wrong, made me laugh; but it doesn't hide the fact that I'm not supposed to be in their home.


The guys calmed their senses and ended the video that they were filming. An eerie feeling came when I realised that the entire house was dead quiet. Perfect. Not.

"Who's going to edit this time?" The short brown haired guy asked. The other guys shrugged their shoulders. "We should make Tyler do it again, see how that goes!!" Mark laughed.

"Guys, I don't know," the newly named Tyler said quietly. "As much as I want to, I'll probably do even worse than last time." He shook his head and chuckled.

Brown haired guy turned his head to Mark. "So? It'll be fun!" "I don't think we should pressure him," Mark said. "After all, he's probably got some... other things to do." He shot a smirk at Tyler and he raised his eyebrows.

"Oh please, I could do it better than all of you!" He laughed. Brown haired guy and Mark stared at each other and started laughing harder than before.

Sighing, Tyler started walking away from them, passing the end table. His huge steps thumped, making me jump a little and cower. Those guys have no reason to talk to him like that!

Hesitantly, I started running after him, constantly moving my head around to make sure that no
one will see me. His large steps vibrated the floor and many times I almost slipped and fell, but I kept following him until he walked into a large room with computers.

He sat down on the chair and rubbed his face stressfully. Anger shot through me. They have no reason to pick on him.

I watched as he typed away on one of the computers, fascinating me. It was and always still will be a wonder of how humans can just work those things out. I had trouble figuring out how to work my toilet a few days ago; I can only imagine how long it would take me to work one of those computers.

Swiftly, I ran towards the desk legs and looked up. The height from the floor to the desktop was almost unreal. Never in my life have I ever felt so small. His feet were bigger than my entire living room and kitchen combined; now that was incredible.

Very quietly I walked to the back of the desk and began to look for a durable cord for me to climb on. Thankfully, computers take lots of cords so there were a BUNCH to look at.

With my borrower instincts kicking in, I started to climb up the cord while also being cautious of the cord accidentally moving and then the giant noticing me.

I kept climbing until I noticed the surface of the desk. Sure enough, the human was typing away still, unaware that I was watching him closely. Very quietly, I pulled myself up and huffed; climbing isn't something I have done in such a long time.

I pulled off my backpack and then suddenly, large digits engulfed me and everything went dark. Screaming, I searched for a way to escape.

A human caught me.

Then it hit me: I'm not supposed to be in a giant home, I'm not supposed to be in the community.

Tears quickly fell down from my face as I kept squirming in the giants hand; unfortunately I wasn't strong enough as the giant started to grip my tighter.

"Tyler, why is there a tiny in the editing room?!" A voice above me boomed, who I assume is my capture.

"There's a tiny in this room? Where?" Tyler yelled, panic filling his voice. Oh no, now they know about me.

Just then the darkness quickly vanished, leaving me out in the open for both of the giants to see. I looked up, now realising that I was being held by Mark, the loudest, most scariest one. Tyler was looking down at me, breathing hard at what he just saw. I then looked at Mark, who was glaring at me.

"You didn't know about this? You didn't see it move around anywhere?" Mark yelled, causing me to bawl. Tyler shot a sympathetic look down at me before returning his gaze back to the angry man. "You're scaring it, Mark. The poor thing is shaking."

The giant then looked down at me, his face softening once he saw my tears flood down from me. "I'm- I'm sorry for coming into y-your guys's house; I was going to ask you guys to quiet down b-

"Hey, hey, it's alright, calm down." Tyler said softly before gently plucking me from Mark's hand. "You came here to ask us to be quiet huh?" He shot a glare at Mark, who then shrugged intensely. "It's not my fault that Ethan kept making me laugh! Besides, we had to film there anyway; if there was a problem you should have told us there."

"It's illegal to talk to giants in the tiny community." I said quietly. Both sighed. "Oh, yeah, I guess I forgot," Mark said with guilt.

Just then, the smaller brown haired guy appeared out of nowhere, causing me to whimper. Tyler shot a glare up at him. "Ethan, not now." The giant now known as Ethan looked down at me, smiled, then walked away. Funny, that's the quietest I've ever seen him.

Tyler looked back up at Mark, who was watching me closely. "Let me talk to her." Mark nodded and dropped me gently into his hand.

"I-I'm sorry, I really am, curiosity got the best
of me and I know I'm not supposed to be here and when I saw how mean you guys were to Tyler I just couldn't help myself."

Tyler exhaled suddenly and looked back at Mark, who was staring back at him questionably. "We weren't being mean to each other; no, we were just joking around, kid." Tyler looked down at me sympathetically before taking his very large finger and wiping my eyes.

I leaned in, feeling a bit of trust building up in my body. "T-thank you for not being harsh." Tyler nodded and rubbed my head gently. "I would never be harsh to something as adorable as you little things." I smiled at him and he was doing that smile that I sometimes catch him doing while recording videos.

Maybe I can accompany him with editing.


schools been a bitch y'all that's why i'm not getting anywhere at the moment- like the description said i closed requests for now because i'm still working on a bunch of other requests and i don't want to get held back

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