Jaiden Animations x Borrower

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I watched the human move around in this room like I do everyday, which I have been doing for 4 years. I've seen giant woman walk in and out for years, always speaking into this black foam looking think. I make sure that she's done with what she's doing so I can go grab some snacks that she has nearby.

Today was different, however. The giant woman was very cautious of herself and she always looked around the room, like she was trying to find something. Or someone.

I shuddered at the thought. I've been living her for 4 years, there's no way I can get caught now!

As usual, the brown haired lady did her speaking and eventually left, again looking around everywhere. Forgetting the thought, I grabbed my bag and bolted quietly out of the tiny hole.

Borrowers vary in size, just for reference. Some can be up to 6 inches in height and some can be as small as 2 inches. Me, thankfully, am right at 3.5 inches in height; I checked this morning.

Although I am a teenager, I do live alone because my parents left me to thrive by myself, especially because this woman is also very loud. I'm not so bothered by it, but my parents also had very sensitive ears.

I ran right up to the edge of the desk and grabbed my grappling hook. I swung up and it landed perfectly in the dent that makes it stay. Using every bit of strength that I had, I began climbing.

When I got to the top, there sat a green box filled with white-ish cracker things. I read the name. "Club Crackers". They're not exactly like oreos, but they'll do.

I broke 2 crackers in half and began breaking them into small chunks so I could take all of them home. My bag was entirely full by the time I fit all chunks into it.

Smirking, I began walking to the edge of the desk when suddenly a soft gasp startled me. I looked up, terrified, to see the giant woman stare at me.

I dropped everything.

The woman stared wide-eyed, mumbling things to herself as I began to back up slowly. She was just as scared as I was!

"You're, you.... w-what.... how, how..." she stuttered to herself. If I wasn't in this situation I would've thought that she was hilarious. But instead, I'm on the verge of death because I was just seen. By a human.

I continued to back up slowly when suddenly the ground before me disappeared. I yelped and went tumbling down, not worrying about the giant at all. Then, very quickly, I smacked something hard (but also soft) and the air got knocked out of me.

"Omy goodness.... OMY GOODNESS ARE YOU OK?" The giant woman ran over to me, now realising that what she just witnessed is now hurt. I wasn't hurt badly, but my ears were hurting from how loud she was.

"Are you hurt?" She asked a little more quietly. I shook my head, so she wouldn't touch me or anything.

"Well, uh, I can't leave you on my chair or anything because I don't want you to get hurt anymore, so I'm going to have to help you move." The giant said kindly, which made me soften a little. However, my fear stayed prominent and I whimpered at the remark.

"I-I'm ok... but p-please, don't hurt m-me." I whispered, taking all the deep breaths I could. The giant lady shook her head and smiled a little.

"I'm not going to hurt you, sweetie. Even though I just met you and I'm probably maybe going just a LITTLE crazy," she giggles, "I want to help you anyway."

I sighed and quickly sat up before a huge hand came crashing down behind me, causing me to yelp.

"Oh no you don't," she whispered. "If you get up too fast you'll feel light headed."

"I'm already feeling light headed." The giant lady giggled quietly before changing her position so she could see me better. She gently scooped me up, which even though made me yelp and whimper, and placed me in the palm of her other hand.

"There, is that better?" She smiled politely. Still not gaining a lot of trust, I nodded my head. To be frank though, I did feel a lot better.

"Let's talk somewhere safer, shall we?"

I nodded my head.

"Well, before we head off, I might as well introduce myself. It was quite the rude awakening for you, I'm sure." The giant woman scratched the side of her head with her other hand.

"I'm Jaiden," she said politely. "What's your name?"

Still not fully gaining trust, I kept my distance. "My, uh, n-name is-

"Take your time, darling." She smiled again, making me blush and stammer.

"My n-name is Y/N." I finally spoke, letting out air that I didn't know I held. It did, however, feel amazing that I was able to tell someone something about me for once. Even if it was a giant.

"Aww, what an adorable name! Well, I can't keep you in my hands forever for the sake of dropping you, she giggled, "so do you mind if I place you on my shoulder?"

I gasped and stared at her huge eyes with worry. I can't stay balanced on her, I was just barely able to tell her my name!

"Awh it's ok darling, I'm not going to hurt you. Honestly it would be quite nice if you became my friend. You know, like a nice little companion. I can make you anything, we can craft things, I can animate you, anything!"

I blushed and rubbed the back of my head.

Well she IS nice.

Yeah, but what if she drops you? What if she's just saying these things but really she's some kind of predator thing.

Nah, shutup. Just see how things go, and go from there.

Finally, I nodded my head. She very carefully plucked me and started to squirm and yelp. Then she gently placed me on her shoulder, immediately causing me to run right to her ear for extra security.

"Aww," she laughed. "You're too cute, Y/N."

I smiled and hugged her ear even tighter.

Maybe I can trust her.


Ight so I think this might be my first fluff? I don't know i haven't been on wattpad long enough to know everything, but nevertheless its one of my happier ones.

i hope you like and i've been a little slow with updates but again, i'm still working on them

audrey out x

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