Part Two

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Mikayla's POV

As i walked out of my room with my carry-on bag that I had prepared last night for the flight, I put on a yellow hoodie and made my way down stairs. My parents told Tyrone and Antonio to go around the house and make sure everything is locked before we lock the front door. While they were doing that I made my way onto the driveway where my mom was. She said that the uber was on its way, we only were taking a few things on our carry-on bags because all our clothes and furniture were already on its way to Little Elm. The Uber soon arrived and it was a mini van, I was grateful because it took about 20 minutes to get to the airport and because my brother are bigger then me I would've had to sit in the middle. Anyways, I hopped in the car choosing the first sit. Once I was settled I decided to take a photo and post on my instagram story.. and say goodbye to friends.

( pretend her hair is in a bun )

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( pretend her hair is in a bun )

I had texted my friends saying goodbye, they had thrown my brothers and I a goodbye party last week which I was grateful for but now.. onto new things.

My brothers hopped in the car and we were now on our way to the airport.


My dad had our tickets and passports, after going through customs / security we made our way to the food court. Me and Tonio both agreed on getting something from starbucks, my mom gave us both a $20 dollar note. Tyrone went with our parents to a small cafe, Tonio and I had asked them to order us both poached eggs. All three of us triplets LOVE poached eggs.. Tonio and I made our way to starbucks.

M: Hi can I please have a Salted Caramel Mocha Frappuccino, a Javachip Frappuccino and 2 cake pops please?

[Starbucks Waiter - SW:]

SW: Sure anything else?

M: uh no thankyou

SW: Name?

M: Mikayla, M. I. K. A. Y. L. A.

SW: Okay that's $17.60 thankyou

M: thankyou..

Antonio then orders his order we wait for a small 5 minutes since there were nearly any people here.


We were now sitting in our seats, I got window sit and I had Tyrone next to me and next to him was Antonio. Our parents were behind us. I took my headphones out of my bag and plugged them into the tv on the seat in of me and decided to watch a movie, I was watching Moana. Tyrone saw that I was watching it and asked if he could watch it too. Antonio was already passed out and we just started moving.. that boy could sleep for days. After we had eaten I brought me a bottle of juice, a packet of chips and some mars pods. We were twenty minutes into watching Moana and I pulled out the mars pods, Tyrone was eating his M'n'Ms..


We landing in about 10 minutes, I had fallen asleep after I finished watching Moana, Tyrone had fell asleep during it and was sleeping on my lap, I decided to wake him up and tell him we were about to land and he woke up Antonio who had been sleeping the whole time. We had just passed through a small amount of clouds and I look out my window and see the sun setting. "Great" I thought to myself, i'm gonna have to get used to the timezone..
We 5 minutes from landing and peeled out the window to see the setting sun laying a pink gaze onto the town.. I decided to take a picture and post it on my story..

 I decided to take a picture and post it on my story

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Oooh landed in Dallas.. the drama is just beginning guys, be ready💗

My Boo / Jabez VillalobosWhere stories live. Discover now