We were all now getting ready for the party, I put on my outfit.
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( without the bag and instead of slides, black heels and imagine the dress has a metallic glow to it. )
A: Come on girllll!!
M: Boy im coming, be patient
We made it to the party and I immediately smelt weed and alcohol, all you could see were teenagers sucking eachothers faces off and jumping the fuck out of each other on the dance floor ( living room floor )
Tyrone and Spencer went off to their football friends so I was left with Antonio.
I spotted Leila near the kitchen.
M: Hey i'm gonna go see Leila
A: Aight come find me when you need.
M: Yo
I walked over and I saw that she was talking to Jiggy, which probably meant Jabez was around here somewhere.
Anddd I was right.
I stared at him while he turned the corner, as soon as he saw me a smirk formed on his face.
J: Hey Ma
M: Continuing with the nicknames huh? aight bet.
J: * chuckles * You want a drink?
M: Yeah please
He pours me whatever drink was on the counter into a red solo cup.
J: Hey wanna go play beer pong?! * He lightly shouts as the music becomes louder *
M: Yeah hold on..
I quickly chug down my drink, as it burns my throat I see Jabez smirking at me.
Jabez's POV
I was waiting in the kitchen with the boys for Mikayla to show up. Ever since her and brothers came my daily follower count has gone down 10 K. I was the "well known" kid at the school but now they are taking that away. Antonio has been jeopardising my spot as captain and i'm over it. I asked Tommy to plan a party so I could get caught with Kayla doing something or even having people know I took her up to the room, hopefully that will bring me back to the top. I just want things to go back to normal but knowing her and her family. That ain't happening any time soon.
She has finally come to the party, I see as I walk around the corner of the kitchen. A smirk appears on my face as I look at her, hmm yeah she has had a glow up.