Part Eight

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Mikayla's POV

I woke up this morning still shocked about realising that Jabez is my best friend from 5 years ago. I shake my head into thinking of something else, I need to talk to him about. What if it's not even him like ughh it's just all so confusing, but if it is him how do I even tell him I know! Ughh I thought sleep was meant to help my confusion, Guess not.

I get up it's about 6:30 am I make my into my bathroom and do my normal routine, I went into my closet to choose something to wear. I want to wear something that is comfortable but also really cute!

 I want to wear something that is comfortable but also really cute!

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( without the bag )

I headed downstairs I still had enough time to eat breakfast so I did, I had some yoghurt with fruit. I didn't bother making the boys any knowing they wouldn't want any of this and they would prefer bacon or pancakes. It's about 7:20 and the boys aren't down yet. I go upstairs first into tyrone's room, I barge in to see him getting ready.

M: boi why is it taking u so long to get ready?

T: stfu before I beat yo ass

M: still. why you taking so long? tryna impress a girl ay?

T: girl you mad trippin! i'm just tryna dress for myself! btw you look good in purple.

M: Oh thankyou amor * I say while making a dramatic kissing face *

I walk out and get to Antonio's room. Just like I did to Tyrone I barge in to him in bed on his phone.

A: Girl I stg it you jump on me again I will fr kill you this time

M: Calm your titties I ain't finna do that today, my waist still be hurting from your fucking ogre looking sausages you call hands.

A: Girl I swear-

M: Just get ready damn we're leaving soon and if you ain't ready yo ass can walk.

A: Ight fine i'm up, i'm up.


I don't want to see Jabez because then if we talk i'm gonna be awkward as hell. I don't know what i'm gonna do, should I tell him? ima just wait I mean if i've noticed him surely he's noticed me..

                                 Jabez's POV
I'm on my way to school in the car with Dre and all i'm thinking about is Mikayla and how i'm gonna act when I see her. Should I tell her? it's not gonna be awkward though.. maybe I should just avoid her? and then I eventually forget. Maybe that would be better then struggling on finding a way to talk to her about this, yeah ima just avoid her hope that she forgets I exist so I can do the same.

                               Mikayla's POV
I'm at my locker waiting for Malachi so we can go to first period together when I see Andre and.. Jabez! pull up. Should I talk to him? Oh shit Andres walking over here. I turn on my phone and lean against my locker slightly, I take a quick and short glance up to see Jabez looking at me then quickly turning away and putting his hood on. Wow, was it me? I get taken out of thought by Andre saying hi.

A: Hey Mikayla

M: Hey Andre

A: Waiting for Malachi?

M: Yeah have you seen him?

Just as I say that he turns around the corner screaming my name as he sees me.


M: Malachi! * I say with slight enthusiasm *

We hug.

Ma: We should stay heading to class the bell is gonna ring soon

M: Okay let's go, Andre you coming?

A: Nah i'll be there soon thought

Ma: Okay later bro


Most of the day I was still trying to think of a way to tell Jabez, I told Leila about it and she said just to pull him aside and ask him but every time I would try make my way to him or even look at him he would notice pull his hood up and walk away. Maybe I looked bad.. Maybe he really hated the colour purple.. Maybe he's found me on Instagram? Nah that can't be it that's not even a big deal. I don't know why maybe it wasn't even me? "URGGHRHRHRH" I think to myself while i'm sitting in the car, pulling up to our long ass driveway to reveal our beautiful home. I need to stop overthinking it. But I wanted to tell him, I'll just try harder tomorrow I guess.

I know this chapter is short i'm sorry the chapters will be getting juicier just comment if you have an idea you wanna see in this, or even a name if you want your name to be involved😚💗

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