Part Five

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Mikayla's POV

I woke up at 6:30 and today was our first day of school, and i'm not gonna lie I was lowkey nervous. I mean yeah I had my brother but I didn't know anyone else there, I used to have friends when we lived in this state 5 years ago but I don't remember their names. All I remember is that it was a boy.. I think.

Anyways I got up and went to change into my clothes

Anyways I got up and went to change into my clothes

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(with out the bag)

I went downstairs and saw Antonio and Tyrone talking with our parents.. they said that I have to ride with them because I still haven't gotten my own car yet.


We pull up and I see this large 3 story building.. I was kinda modern for a high school. As we get out of the car I immediately felt eyes on my, whispers as well saying shit like "Damn whose that?" or girls whispering stuff like "they pretty fine but whose the bitch with them" I just ignored it not wanting to make a scene. I started getting cat called but my brothers immediately looked in the direction it was coming from and glared at them for while. I turn around to the way they were looking and see a group of boys, one tall one with kinda long curly hair he looked asian. One dark skin one, he looked kinda short and he had short dreads. One had fluffy straight hair and braces just like the short dark skin. And the other one had brown curly hair, he was kinda tall- well taller then me atleast. He had hazel eyes.. I quickly looked away before making eye contact with them and pulled my brothers arms to make them turn around.

M: Let's at least find the office before you guys start any fights

they both nodded their heads, I sighed knowing that they will most likely be more protective over me now that we're at a new school, I'm not complying or anything it's actually nice to have them.. considering I used to get bullied. I wasn't really used to being cat called either, so I was grateful for them.

We were trying to find the office when a boy bumps into Antonio, who was similar height to him.

A: Bro!!

??: Man shit sorry

A: *sighs* it's ight just make sure to watch where your going.

??: yeah, you guys new?

M: yeah we are..

??: oh cool, my names Malachi

the boys dabbed him up, I just introduce myself

Ma: Let me guess, y'all are looking for the office?

T: Yeah we are can you take us there?

Ma: Yeah sure this way

*Dammn Mikayla's lowkey fine as hell but I ain't wanna disrespect so ima just keep it to myself*

We got to the office and received our schedules, I had my last 5 classes with Antonio and 2,3,6 period with Tyrone, I ended up having my first class with Malachi. I'm so glad i'm not alone. I say goodbye to Tyrone and Antonio and Malachi and I make our way to our first period. As were walking to the class we hear the early bell and notice that the teacher isn't in the class yet. As we walk in I see 2 of the boys from this morning, the short dark skin one and the tall one with braces. I can tell that their staring at me but I just ignore it and continuing walking with Malachi, We sit opposite them. The boy with the braces eventually speaks up and asks Malachi who I am.. He says that I'm new, But then before he could say anything else I speak up.

M: You know if you wanted to know who I am you could've just asked me

Ma: ohp she popped off

??/1: My bad ma, what's your name

M: *sighs* Mikayla, what's yours?

??/1: Oh i'm Andre, but everyone calls me Dre,

M: okay, what's your name?

I say to the dark skin next to him

??/2: Oh uh I'm Don but my friends call me jiggy

M: ight

A: so where you from?

M: Well I used to leave here a while ago but my family moved to Cleveland Ohio, it's been about five years since we've been here.

A: Ooh aye? Danngg, do you remember anyone from when you used to life here?

M: Nahh, I only had one friend back then but I don't really remember him and I guess we just lost touch after I moved.

J: It's normal, maybe he still lives here.. it is a he right?

M: yeah I said he

J: Just making sure..

Ma: But yeah what if he does still live here?

M: Idk, I depends. I might not even recognised him.

We ended up talking for a while, getting into trouble once the teacher came in but it was aight.


Antonio, Tyrone and I were making our way to the cafeteria, I wasn't really in the mood for food so I waited for the boys to get there's and we went to go find a table. We made our way to a surprisingly empty table, as we sit down Andre and Jiggy walk past and said hi. I notice their with their other friends, the tall asian one and the curly hair one, the asian one smiles at me but the curly haired one just looks up from his phone and back down again. Something about his face, idk it's seems similar in a way.."Damn someone ain't in the mood" I think to myself. Something about his face seems some what familiar but it's problably nothing. Malachi quickly comes down and sits by us and yells for the boys to sit down with us too. I move over so i'm sitting closer to Antonio, he gives me a reassuring look. The thing is I don't really trust people, my circle is really small and I don't like getting to close or comfortable with people because I open up to them to quick and they use that against me so I try and keep my distance.

The boys sit down and across from me is sitting the curly head boy, as he sits down he looks at me with this weird face then shakes his head and paying attention to his phone again. I kinda made me weirded out.

Ma: Mikayla I know you've met Jiggy-

Wait did he say Mikayla? wait, wait hold on! Could it be her?! Nah it can't be her she doesn't even look like her.. The Mikayla I knew (emphases on the "knew") looked much different from that and she also had glasses so it's problably not even her.

Ma: and Dre but Antonio Tyrone this is Jiggy, Dre, Tommy and Jabez

Wait- Jabez that name sound so familiar but I don't know where from, it's probably just some guy off instagram i'm thinking about but- he- nah i'm probably just thinking about some random shit..

T: Wassup boyz

Ty and Tonio dab them up.

M: Hey Tonio what's the time?

A: 1:30 why?

M: just wandering because we have to PE next class and I don't want to be the last one in the lockers so..

A: ight ight I get chu lessgoo, Ty you finna be good?

T: Yeah i'll be aight.

M: bye guys

A: Later boys


Sorry for the long chapter but I said Jabez would be introduced in this chapter so I had to make it work.. I'm putting up the next chapter in a few so be ready😚 And please Vote thankyou💗

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