Today is Monday, we just went through the weekend. After the Jabez situation on friday I didn't bother to tell my brothers what happened it wasn't too much of a big deal.. I really hope I don't have to put up with his shit today! Today is our first Basketball practice, we have our first game on thursday. Ion know who we versing yet but it finna be lit! I know for a fact the girls on my team got hella moves so you already know we finna take only W's!
I start getting ready for school, I clean my self up and put on my outfit.
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I was mad feeling myself in this blue colour though.. I walked downstairs to my momma making some toast,
Mom: Good morning Amore you want some?
M: No thanks Ma, i'll just get something from starbucks.
I take a quick peep around and see no Tyrone or Antonio
M: I swear those boys better be awake.
I stomp upstairs to Tyrone's room and see him lying on his bed dressed but on his phone.
M: Boyyy what u doin? We gotta go!!
T: Ay shit my bad Kay. * He says getting up a little flustered*
He walks downstairs while I cut through this bathroom to get to Tonios room ( since they share a bathroom )
I see him laying on his bed half dressed and snoring..
M: Tonio!
A: *Jumps / Gets a fright* Huh what?
M: Hurry yo sleepy ass up we gotta go..
A: Shit damn i'm coming
M: * rolls eyes *
These boys I swear.. I thought I was bad. I walk back downstairs and see my dad.
M: Morning dad
Dad: Morning baby y'all going to school?
M: Yeah just waiting on TONIOS sleepy ass
Dad: *chuckles* y'all have a good day okay..
M: You too
I kiss his cheek and head out the front door I see Antonio in the front sea-
A: Kay get yo ass in the car
M: Lil boy I know you not sitting in my seat!
I'm on my way to practice in the gym, I saw Jabez around school and if he was looking at me it would either be a smirk or a disgusted look. Boy needs to sort out what the hell be happening in his brain today cause I ain't wanting to see that shit.
I get into the gym locker room and see my other team mates, these girls a really chill I like em. I start putting on what i'm wearing to practice.
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( Without the bag and the hair stays in the bun from the other photo )
I do be looking fine tho..
I walking out of school when I get turned around by Jiggy..
Ji: Ay man there's that girl you been staring at all day.
J: Get the fuck outta here bro..
Ji: My bad.. But damnnn! *pauses while staring at her* She be getting hella clout to as well.
J: Ay! What you mean
I was confused how she already getting popular n shit?!
Ji: Man- are you for real?! She captain of the girls basketball team which mean she hoop, she mighty fine! Anddd she chill asf what's not to like about her bro.
J: * Scoffs *
Ji: Man quit with that shit. You know you like her I see you looking at her like she fine and shit, but if you ain't looking at her like that then you dissing her out with yo eyes though..
J: Yeah ion know ay..
Ji: I mean you could shoot yo shot. I mean you two would be the best couple in the school.. Both captains of the basketball team, both fine as hell ( no homo ).. you getting what i'm saying..
Then the best idea ever popped into my head..
A/N: Sorry for the kinda short chapter, I wanted to leave on a cliff hanger✌🏽✌🏽