I woke up this morning groaning at my alarm, it was 5:30 am
M: why the fuck is my alarm this early ughh
I just scroll through instagram a bit and decide to just get up. I make my way to my bathroom and do my morning routine, I then go into my wardrobe and choose a outfit for school today. Something casual yet trendy, I thought to myself.
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I couldn't find a top to go with these jeans, so I quickly get up and make my way to Tonio's room, to find him still sleeping. While trying not to wake him up I go into his drawers and immediately find this white shirt with red, orange and yellow parts on the sleeves. "I have just the shoes that will go with this" I say to myself. Before waking him up I speed walk out of his room, once I get to my room I put on the took and my shoes. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on some lipgloss and fake lashes since i'm not fussed on makeup, I finish by putting on so hoop earrings and a necklace and make my way downstairs.
Once we get to school I get stares and cat calls again but they are once stopped by the glares of my brothers. I put my arms around their shoulders and ruffle up their curly hair before quickly running off before they could attack me like they do. As i'm running I see Malachi wave me over. We head to our first period and I see the same boys and yesterday, Andre and Jiggy I think their names were.
We all talk in class because our teacher is pretty useless.
I'm making my way to the cafeteria looking for Ty and Tonio as i'm walking, I turn my head slightly to see them about to line up for food. As I go to turn I bump into someone.
Jabez's POV I was on my way to mine and the boys table while looking at my phone staring at a picture I took of the old photo with Mikayla, although I don't know for sure, I really do think it's her. Without looking where I'm going I bump into someone, It's her! I quickly shut off my phone so isn't able to see the photo, I don't know if I should tell her yet.
Mikayla's POV It was Jabez, that name I swear i've heard before. I shake off that thought quickly and apologise for bumping into him.
M: shit i'm sorry * I say while awkwardly giggling*
J: It's ight
I walk off not wanting to finish that awkward conversation, as i'm walking I feel eyes staring into me. I turn to look at what's staring at me and it's Jabez, as I look I notice his hair isn't as curly as it was yesterday.. so his hair isn't naturally curly i'm guessing..?
And then it clicks to me!
"WAIT THATS!! No it can't be him, wait-"
I quickly turn around before I start staring at him, with a shocked yet confused look on my face I made my way over to my brothers.
[A/N: Tyrone and Antonio weren't friends with Jabez when they were younger, they only barely knew him as Mikayla's friend.]
As we pull up to our house I run inside and go straight to Pa who is sitting on a kitchen stool reading the newspaper.
M: Papa!!
Dad: Yes princessa what's wrong?!
M: Um well nothings really wrong, I was just wandering.. Uh do we still have that photo album from when we lived here a few years back?
Dad: I'm pretty sure, you know your Ma always has those things locked up in boxes. Go ask her i'm sure she'll know where it is.
M: Okay Papa. * I say while giving him a warm caring smile *
I go upstairs to find my mom in her room watching Tv..
M: Hi Mama!
Mom: Hey amor, how was school?
M: It was fine, Hey I was wandering.. Uhh do you know where the album with the photos of us when we used to live here a few years back is?
Mom: Oh yeah it's on the shelf in the guest room, I didn't know where use to put dusty old albums so I put them in there.
M: Okay thankyou
I made my way to the guest room and open the door, I look and see a tall modern shelf with large books on it. I make my way to the dark grey one which has the title of "2013" I start flipping through the pages seeing lots of photos of younger me and the boys. Damn I was cute but I still looked bad considering my glasses and my face handed fully grown into its self yet. I keep flipping through when K reach the last one, hoping to see a photo of him. I just need clarification that i'm not going mad. I turn the last page to reveal..
A photo of me with him.
My eyes in the photo tearing up, just like they are now. I realise my eyes are getting ready and wipe them, why am I crying? I slightly laugh to try and get the crying away from my system.
Wow.. it's really him, I begin to admire the young boys features. Straight brown hair, styled up. He red jersey, I remember now the one he always used to wear. His chubby cheeks which he hadn't grown into yet.. Damn it was really him!
"Wait-" I say to myself, what am I gonna do now?! I can't just go up to him say "Oh guess what i'm your childhood best friend that moved when we were about 12" I mean I could say that, but i'm not going to.. ughh i'll just have to sleep on it hopefully it will come to me soon.
A/N: So now both Jabez and Mikayla know that they are each others childhood bestfriend but.. how will they tell each other? Will they tell each other? or will they just keep it a secret not knowing that the other one is dying to tell them.. Find out next chapter😚✌🏽