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『 S E O U L — 2 0 1 9 』

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『 S E O U L — 2 0 1 9 』


Raindrops kept falling on my head as I laid against the cold guardrail. I didn't care about being drenched ; all I wanted was to feel anything but pain. My heart was aching. My throat was dry. My eyes as well, dry from crying. My face was swollen. My head was hurting due to a migraine. My legs couldn't stop shaking. My arms wrist were still burning from the pressure of his hands. Among these sensations, heartache remained the worse. It stung really hard, destroying me.

I needed to leave.

It was so hard though. We were married and I always thought we'd make it together till the end of our days. Why did he have to do this? When had he turned into an abusive man?

~ ♡ ~

"Are you okay?" My boss asked me as he saw me arriving at work, later than usual. "You look sick."

I pursed my lips, holding my tears back. Whatever happened at home shouldn't follow me at work, I needed to get my head out of it and focus on my job. Breathe in. Breathe out. Fake it, as usual.

"I haven't slept enough..." I feigned a yawn as I walked past the boss, hoping he wouldn't dig deeper. Fortunately, he didn't and left me be.

I walked to the women's locker room and changed into my uniform. In a French traditional restaurant which would usually serve three-hundred covers per day, I worked as a chef. I knew how to cook ever since my childhood. My parents were the first to teach me, especially my mother. She had great cooking skills and shared them with me when I was still a little girl. Unfortunately, she died four years ago and never had the chance to witness me achieve my dream.

I still had dad even though he remained busy with his work. He was a History teacher in a high school located in Jeju-do and ever since mom left us, he turned into a workaholic. Although I missed him, it reassured me to know he wouldn't witness the chaotic relationship I was drowning in. I was well aware of the toxicity, but I would constantly try to fix things and believe his empty promises. Luckily, my father knew nothing about it.

"Steak is done." I said as I placed the rare meat on an empty plate. "Need help with the vegetables?" I asked Hoseok

The flustered man looked at me, nodding vigorously. The shift was particularly intense that night, anyone could tell by seeing how stressed we were in the kitchen. Hoseok, Adèle, Soobin and I were overwhelmed with huge number of costumers. Boss even said there was a queue in front of the restaurant ; people were waiting to get in. The type of information that would only increase our stress.

"Done for table twenty-one!"

"Attention everyone!" The boss suddenly came in, looking as stressed as we were. His face was covered in sweat. "Turns out we have a special unexpected guest. Kim Seokjin is here. He came with his friends."

Hoseok, Soobin and I gasped as Adèle looked like she didn't even know who Kim Seokjin was. Boss answered her silent question. "He's a famous singer in Korea, we have to impress him!"

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