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『 S E O U L , 2020 』

A male officer told me to wait for him at his desk. I did as he asked and waited for more than ten minutes. The police station was noisy, I wondered how they could think and investigate properly with all the ruckus around. The open space layout was probably a bad idea in a police precinct.

Jin was waiting for me at the front desk, chattering with the two officers who had recognized him. Still, he would throw some glances in my way to make sure I was okay. Whenever I caught his gaze, I would smile.

What I was about to do was the right option. There was no point in waiting longer, it would only make things worse. I didn't feel safe with Jaehyun anymore, it had been days since I hadn't got back home because of him. This wasn't a life. I couldn't keep on fearing him, it was unhealthy. Thanks to Jin, I gathered enough strength and bravery to sue my husband and put an end to our toxic marriage. I knew what he'd say once he'd receive the news. "You're useless, no one will ever love you like I do", "if you leave, you'll regret it" or "you'll die alone because you deserve no one". I could practically hear him say these things, and it wouldn't be the first time anyway.

It pained me, sure, but Jin's behavior had slowly changed my mind. We didn't know each other, yet he took the time to comfort me and find solutions to my issues. He was more caring than my husband had ever been in a year. If people like him existed, why should I get stuck with an egocentric and perverted asshole? The plan wasn't to fall for Jin, but to accept the help he was offering. If I didn't take the chance now, the relationship I maintained with my husband would end up killing me.

"Alright, here's your tea Ms.Kang."

I thanked the officer and took the cup, shivering a bit due to its warmth. Officer Park was now all ears. He picked a pile of white paper and a blue pen, ready to write down whatever would seem important to him.

"So, you're here to file a complaint against your current husband, mister Kang Jaehyun. Is that right?"

I nodded, looking down.

"Madam, I'll need you to answer to make sure you're consenting."

"Yes, I want to file a complaint against my husband."

I saw him scribbling on a paper then he sat back properly, straightening his back. "How long have you been married to Mr.Kang?"

"Two years, we got married in January two thousand and eighteen."

"Could you tell me more about your relationship? Since day one."

I sighed, a melancholic smile creeping up my lips as I recalled the old Jaehyun. The one I loved.

"He used to be lovely. The first year was fine, we enjoyed each moment together. It was pleasing, until—" I paused, thinking of a way to explain it "Until I got a job. It's been a year since I work in a French restaurant. Before that, I've never been so busy in my life. Work tires me out, it's exhausting to stay up all night and cook for more than a hundred of costumers. It caused me stress and made me moody, sometimes really disagreeable."

"It wasn't your fault Ms.Kang. You being stressed out with work doesn't justify anything. You never tried to hurt your husband, did you?" I shook my head really quick "See? Whose fault it doesn't matter here. Your abusive husband is the problem, and I'm sorry that you had to go through this. Mr.Kang, how did he cope with it?"

"I—I guess he couldn't. He gradually became mean, insulting, and oppressive. We'd argue at least once a day, to the point that we avoided each other for weeks. But I still loved him, I thought it was momentary."

"What would he say to you?"

I hesitated a few seconds, wondering whether it'd be useful. The police officer seemed genuinely concerned though, it made me want to be fully honest with him.

"He says I look disgusting—because I've put on a lot of weight—and that no one could ever love me, that I'm a useless woman. I believed him for a long time, but then I realized it didn't matter, he said that to force me to stay with him. I honestly haven't spoken to him for five days; I don't know how he will react."

There was a short silence during which officer Park carefully eyed me. He seemed to be thinking of his next question, probably wondering if I was ready. I gave him a small smile and nodded, gesturing him to go on. He nodded himself.

"What happened during your last encounter, five days ago?"


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