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『 S E O U L – 2020 』

"You look awful. I can't remember the last time you looked decent."

Lips pursed, I kept on getting dressed as my husband typed on his phone. Although he wasn't looking at me, he wouldn't stop making comments about my appearance. I didn't say anything out of fear, but I really wished I could slap him hard in the face. Maybe I'll have the guts to do it someday, once for all. He deserved it.

"What, you won't say anything? I'm sure you agree."

I agreed with him but remained silent.

Seated in the breakroom, the scene from this morning kept on replaying in my head. Jaehyun's words had an impact on me, more than I'd want to admit. He knew how to hurt me, and decreasing my self-esteem was the best way to get to me. I had always been self-conscious, but it got worse when I started gaining weight a year ago. It happened with stress, especially at work. Then it got me at home and spoiled my marriage.

Was it all my fault? I surely wasn't the most beautiful on earth, but I never stopped showering him with my love. He used to be caring and tender, always looking out for me. I, on the other hand, was a cheerful person. Laughter and smiles were all I had, it managed to make me feel good despite not being comfortable with myself. Everything changed last year when I got the job at the new restaurant. Jaehyun and I wouldn't see each other so often anymore, due to our incompatible schedules. I gave my all at work, never wondering whether my husband was okay or not. Never had I imagined that this situation would be the end of us.

I didn't love him anymore, not as much as I used to. But there was still this mental attachment that made it unbearable for me to live without having him my life. His absence would create a big whole in my heart.

Also, you never know. He might become himself again, like before.

The door opened, snapping me out of my thoughts. Adèle appeared with a cup of tea and a plate of pancakes. She had a sweet tooth, always eating cakes and pastries for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Her presence meant I still had fifteen minutes of break.

"You haven't eaten?" She asked, mixing her tea with some brown sugar, our favorite.

I shook my head no. "I'm not hungry."

"You sure?" the French girl frowned "You can have some if you want!"

I chuckled and thanked her, still refusing. She nodded, focusing back on her food.

"So, you know, the singer thing?"

"What about him?"

Adèle gulped a sip of tea. "I'm not supposed to say it, Boss didn't want you to know but whatever. He came yesterday on your day off. He wanted to see you, but we told him you weren't working, so he asked for your number instead. We all refused to give it to him without your constant, especially since you're married—which he surprisingly knew already."

"I told him! Why is he insisting?"

The brunette shrugged. "Guess what? Boss gave it to him."


She gazed at me with her soft hazel eyes. "It's all about business with him, he didn't want to upset the celebrity who fell in love with the restaurant."

~ ♡ ~

Jaehyun came home the next day, at ten in the morning. I knew for a fact that he didn't have work, since it was Saturday morning. He reeked of alcohol, stumbling over all most each piece of furniture and jabbered about something no one could properly understand.

Eventually, he landed at my feet, in the middle of the kitchen. He remained on the floor, talking to himself. I felt sorry for him and helped him up, although he was trying to push me back. Luckily for me, he wasn't in good shape, so his strength had considerably decreased. Eventually, I put him in bed and left the room. Sober Jaehyun was dangerous enough, I didn't want to stay near drunk Jaehyun for too long.

Heading back to the kitchen, I continued cooking some food to take at work for dinner. Half an hour later, I heard Jaehyun grunt, walking—at least trying to—towards my position. When he reached the kitchen, he stood leaned against the cold wall and glared at me. That's when I noticed my phone in his hand, vibrating over and over.

"W—what are you doing?" I asked, suspicious. I placed the ladle on the counter to free my hands.

Jaehyun had a terrifying reaction ; he laughed. "Who's calling you? Whose number is it?"

I took a closer look at the phone screen and realized it showed an entering call. My heart skipped a beat as my first thought went to Kim Seokjin, knowing he had my number thanks to my boss. Still, I decided to act ignorant.

"I don't know!"

He frowned, slowly approaching me. "Do you often receive calls from unknown number?"

He was drunk, anyone could tell. His dark bloodshot eyes were coldly staring at me, silently threatening me. A shiver ran down my spine as the warm smell of alcohol reached my nostrils.

"Cat got your tongue?"

I shook my head no, trembling in fear. "I s—swear, I don't know..."

He sighed. The next second, my phone was glued to his ear as he answered the call. "Hello? Who's this?"

"(Y/n)? Is that you?" The seductive voice that was now familiar to me came out the phone, causing me to close my eyes as I knew what was coming.

I heard Jaehyun hang up and throw my phone on the floor. "You cheating bitch!" He yelled, cornering me between his body and the kitchen counter behind me. I trembled.

Suddenly, his cold hand met my cheek, leaving my face burning in pain and my heart aching in distress.


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