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『 S E O U L , 2 0 2 0 』

Seokjin's point of view

Six minutes had passed since (y/n) entered the house. I couldn't stop glancing towards the building, wishing she'd come at out right away.

Eight minutes.


Thirteen. Maybe she needs help?

Fifteen. Whatever, I'm going.

I got off the car, rushing to the house. The main door was impossible to open without inserting a key in it, I had to find another way. Quickly, I circled the house to see if there was a window opened or anything.

"Leave! Leave me alone! I'll call the police you—"

A loud noise cut her off, the sound of a hard slap. It was her. There was an opened window, I got there and noticed (y/n) laying on the bed, trying to push back a man twice her size. Blood boiling, rage filled my whole being as I knocked on the window, causing the atrocious man to turn around. His wife took the chance to push him harder and get off the bed.

Seemingly angry, he rushed to the windows in attempt to catch me, but I took a step back, making sure he wouldn't turn to (y/n).

"Who the fuck are you! Get the hell out of here before I—hey! You're the singing dude!"

"And you're the abusive son a bitch, right?" I snickered, hoping to monopolize his attention

His pale face turned chili red, fuming in anger. "Come here!" he yelled and climb the window, trying to come out and—probably—hit me.

I ran to the opposite, willing to get inside the car. By now, (y/n) was probably outside. I sighed in relief when I saw her standing in front of the car, drifting her gaze from left to right, looking for me. I quickly unlocked the doors, allowing her to enter inside. I did as well, locking the doors just in time as the drunken bastard staggered towards us.

~ ♡ ~

"Here, some homemade soup." I placed the ceramic bowl on the dinning table, right in front of (y/n) "You have to eat before going to bed."

She smiled, although I could tell it was a forced one. Still, I nodded and sat right across from her and watched her drinking the soup that would—I hoped so—make her feel better. In no time, the bowl was empty. She thanked me, wiping the corners of her wet lips.

"I'm so sorry you had to see him..."

Eyes open wide, I shook my head. "Thank God I was there with you! Who knows what he could've done!"

I noticed her eyes breaming with tears. It pained me to see her so sad. (Y/n) was such a sweet woman, she didn't deserve any of that. No one does, but especially not her. Such a treasure, she should be protected and showered with love instead of being abused.

"You're so kind for helping me." she smiled "Anyway, I'll leave now. I have to find a hotel—"

"Why don't you stay?"

There was a short silence during which she stared at me suspiciously. Quickly, I tried to reassure her.

"I won't do anything, I promise. I have a big house, I'm rich." she chuckled "There's more than enough place for you to stay."

Seemingly thinking, she pursed her lips. I wasn't sure she would accept, I understood.

What an idiot, I thought. The man whom she trusted the most had turn into a complete asshole and here was I, telling her to live with me when she practically knows nothing about me.

"Or," I added "I can call a friend of mine and ask her if you can stay at hers for a few. She's usually out of town for business matters, I'm sure she won't bother."

(Y/n) sighed in relief. "Sounds nice. I'll pay her, obviously."

"No you won't. Let me handle it, okay? I'll give her a call. In the meantime, you can have some rest in the guestroom. I'll wake you up for dinner, how about that? Then I'll drive you to her place."

With a childish and innocent smile, the beautiful woman nodded.


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