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“Here we go then. Room 204, the place you will be staying for the rest of college.” Julian said while the two of them stood in front of the door. They were at Greendale University, outside Tyler’s allotted hostel room. “There you go, now open the door Tyler, let’s judge the interiors of your room together!” she added as she handed over the keys.

Tyler was about to unlock the door when it just pushed open and he stumbled inside. The lights were surprisingly switched on, which seemed strange but Julian was more concerned about the unlocked door. “Welcome to college young man, just when I thought yours would be different, but some things just don’t change do they?”

Tyler smirked and then walked inside to check out his room. Apart from the unlocked doors and lights switched on, everything else seemed alright. The room had 2 single beds stuck to either side of the wall, one medium sized cupboard probably made of teak wood considering the skyrocketing fees that they charge, 2 desks for assignments, homework, studies or anything that you would want to do while sitting down.The walls were plain white and the floor was actually clean compared to what Julian warned Tyler during the car ride to Greendale. 

“Doesn’t seem that bad, don’t you think? Compared to your stories this looks a lot better.” Tyler asked while opening the drawers in the desk.

“I’m impressed.” Julian replied while opening the cupboard. “So there is hope for humanity after all!” she added and the both laughed about it. “I wonder who your roommate would be considering that you actually have a decent place to stay.” Julian said. 

Just then the bathroom door unlocked and the two of them immediately looked at the direction from where the sound came from, It was a girl. She was wrapped firmly in a white towel and had another one for her hair. She had black locks that trickled down and fell perfectly on her shoulders, cat eyes that were hazel in colour, and a fit body which gave a hint that she probably played some sport, or was into fitness.

She walked towards the window and opened it, then she picked up her bra and a black t-shirt from outside and walked back towards the bathroom. As she passed by, she noticed the two of us awkwardly staring at her and she smiled. “You must be Tyler right? Tyler Dorian, the new student?” she said and greeted me with a handshake. “My name is Abby, Abigail Stone.” she added. 

Tyler and Julian just blankly stared back at this girl during the handshake. “Hi..” Tyler said.

Just then she looked at Julian and smiled at her too, “You must be his elder sister, nice to meet you!” Abigail said. Immediately Julian’s face dropped and she started laughing, “Elder sister? I’m sorry could you repeat that for me? You think I’m his elder sister?!” she asked while pointing at Tyler, who at this point didn’t know how to react.

“Did I say something wrong? Isn’t she your sister?” Abigail asked while looking at Tyler who just shrugged his shoulders.

“Honey, I’m his mother.” Julian replied.

Abigail immediately took a step back and started to apologize, “Oh, I’m so sorry. It wasn’t that evident, you look so young and vibrant.” she said.

“Oh stop it with the flattering, you tell me what on earth are you doing this room?” she asked.

Abigail chuckled and replied, “I needed a place to crash after my practice, and the boys hostel is a lot more closer to the field compared to the girls hostel. Add to that this room was supposed to be vacant for the rest of the year.”

Tyler was still confused, “That still doesn’t explain how you know my name?”

“My mother is the Principal of this University, and I overheard her talking about an excellent student joining this year because of which I did some background research and even read your acceptance letter before it was sent to you!”, she sounded a bit excited.

Tyler and Julian just stared at each other in disbelief. “Right, I’ll just get my stuff and leave before this gets too awkward.” Abigail said and walked back in the bathroom.

“What the f…” Tyler was about to complete his sentence.

“I know right, it’s very rare to find a pretty girl in your room within the first few hours of college. Good going champ” Julian said sarcastically and patted his back.

“What..noo! I meant what is going on, stop complimenting her, this is my room!” Tyler replied.

“Technically it wasn’t your room, until you barged in right now, but that’s alright. I like guys who are possessive about their things. See you in class tomorrow...champ!” Abigail winked at Tyler. “It was good meeting you Tyler’s mom!” she added.

“It’s Julian.” Julian replied hesitantly. “You can call me Julian instead.”

“Julian it is then.” Abigail replied and then walked out of the room.

There was an awkward silence between Tyler and Julian. “Well that was definitely something different..” Julian said while sitting down on the bed. “Nevertheless, the room does look good and I think you will get used to living alone as a student rather than a homeless person that we looked like in college.” Julian said. “That is if you don’t get sloshed every night kid.” she smirked.

“MOM!” Tyler screamed, “I don’t have a drinking problem!” 

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