Tyler:- The Football Match

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5 months. That's the amount of time left for the semester and I have two mouths to fill instead of one this time, all because of Mrs. Warren! It's Bloody Shakespeare! You know how hard it is to get someone's attention when all you say is, "Thou art the lord" and midway break your monologue to silence the crowd, "Oh thee special degenerates, lend me your ears!"

So much for a class of 60 students, but Abigail wasn't even in the class which makes it even more challenging to keep her on track with the rest.

Tyler rested his back on the headboard while holding a mug of hot water and mumbled, "Why does she do that?!"

"I don't know about her, but I certainly want to ask you the same question.", a voice came from the door.

Tyler caught off guard by the stranger, "Who's it?", he tried to not make eye contact while acting like he was searching for something in his room.

"Relax it's me Milton, Milton Kaster from English class. I'm just here to remind you that the game's about to begin in 2 minutes, so hustle buddy!", Milton was this well-built black guy who had a lot to say about the "third-eye" during brainstorming sessions.


"I need everybody to assemble into groups of 5 and discuss the meaning behind the choice of words by the author Robert Frost in his famous poem, Stopping by the Woods.", Mrs. Calanthe ordered and then left the class.

My group consisted of Greasley Greg (they called him that because of an incident of him dropping his lunch on Bary Filton the class bully, and the former getting whacked by the latter on top of the same lunch, ouch.), Mary Oltin (Orthodox religious white girl who wouldn't even touch hands.), Ben (I don't know his full name. Infact I don't even know if that's his actual name.), and the infamous Milton Kaster.

"Guys. Guys. Guys. Jokes aside who here is interested in learning more about themself?", Milton asked excitedly.

"Does it involve new ways to mastur-", Ben asked and he was cut off immediately by Mary, "Ew no. Does anyone here actually know what the topic of discussion is about? Ugh boys."

*End of Flashback*

"Tyler? Hello!", Milton yelled and smacked his fist on the door.

"Um...Yeah, yeah I'm on my way.", Tyler replied and closed the door slowly after Milton left.

Greendale Loves Football (it's not called soccer you dummy), love is an understatement considering the wild crowd that shows up for the matches. We're called the Timberwolves with our black and red jerseys, everyone loves to scream and shout their lungs out. "LET'S GOOOOO TIMBERWOLVES!"

I was always a fan of football but never got a chance to play, I guess spectating will have to be the only alternative. Tyler changed into a grey hoodie and a pair of ripped dark blue jeans and headed out to the stands.

"TIMBERWOLVES! TIMBERWOLVES! TIMBERWOLVES!", the unison chat of the Greendale students reverberated through the stands and this time it was a lot louder than usual, because we were facing the students of Charlton University, the Redneck Riders. Our team had the home advantage but the others had an odd element to their side, the jersey colours. You see the only difference between the two jerseys was that Timberwolves had a single line of red colour on the black jersey, while the Rednecks had two lines of red, this could to an extent add to the confusion already existing in the sport. Not the best matchup if you ask me, and what was going on their minds to not regulate the jerseys to avoid confusion? Anyways that's just football.

"Popcorns! Cheesy dips! Fried shim chips!", a guy yelled out his pantry of items for sale.

Oh, and I almost forgot Abigail was the lone striker from our team. "One pack of chips here.", Tyler yelled.

"Coming right up!", the guy replied as he collected the change from his previous customer.

The front row seats were empty...That's weird, those are the seats which fill up the fastest in every other game, it's where you can actually feel the game pressure because it is that immersive! Tyler wondered why this time the seats were empty in the stands? Regardless of the awkward moment, he proceeded to walk down to the first row and further more to the seat closest to the half-line.

"Are you new here boy?", asked the guy selling snacks while handing over a bag of chips to Tyler.

"Yeah just joined last week, how'd you know?", a curious Tyler asked.

"Nobody in their right mind would sit in the front row of the Timberwolves, it's not safe!", he replied with a chuckle.

"Why? It's just a game...", Tyler replied and removed his wallet.

"That will be 2$ and here, take this extra bag for later, count that on me!", the man took the money and left Tyler with the empty row.

Tyler was perplexed, he was starting to wonder why was it such a taboo in sit in the front row? That's when it dawned on him, there was nobody sitting in the first three rows of the stands, while the rest was filled to the very last spot to fit a human being, even the concrete!

Nevertheless, he opened his bag of chips and started munching, that's when he caught a glimpse of her again, "Hazel brown eyes, black hair tied in a pony tail...", that was Abigail.

She was focused, not breaking eye contact from the ball and the goal, and occasionally on the opponents who blocked her path. She was fast, really fast and agile. It must have been the one thing that Tyler admired about her, the determination to score.

The score was 2-2 and it was the 89th minute of the game and the possession was with the Rednecks, Tyler being a slow eater was just done with his first bag of chips and reached out for the second bag of chips. That's when he gets a call, his eyes were off the field for the first time throughout the game. It was Reggie!

"What's up my boy! How's it in Greendale, I just played my first practice game and it was LIT !!!", Reginold screamed with excitement.

"Ohh! That's fantastic Reggie, as a matter of fact as we speak, I am watching the first game of my college too!", Tyler replied while looking around the stands.

"Oh dude I scored twice man, it was nuts! Alright, alright actually I've got to go my coach is looking for me! Call me later Ty!", Reginold said and cut the call.

What a coincidence. Tyler hoped the same luck would be for the Timberwolves today, he too was eager for a victory!

Just then the announcer on the mic yelled, "And that's Shawn with the possession from the Rednecks storming through the defence, but ohhhhh! He's blocked by the one and only Abigail Stone who kicks it away from the field and into the stan- "

That's all Tyler heard because the next thing he remembers is waking up to the nurse asking, "Can you hear me dear?"

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