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"The morning breeze and the warmth after sunrise are what you will most likely miss out once college begins, it's quite natural. The reason behind such a situation depends completely on how much you have drunk the previous night.", Julian smirked at Tyler who was busy reading the newspaper after taking a wash.

Julian expected a snarky reply from her son while applying jam to the toasts. Tyler however just put down the paper and gave her a smirk back, "Oh you know my capacity is quite high!", he said as he pulled back the chair and sat down with his newspaper on the dining table.

"Now that is something that I am proud of as a friend, and embarrassed as a mother!", Julian replied and placed two plates on the table. She turned back to the stove and switched it off, picked up the pan with their scrambled eggs and placed them on a third plate. "Help yourself to the toast honey!", she said while pointing at the two toasts kept on the counter.

"So what's it going to be like after 3 days? You're going to miss me?", Tyler chuckled as he served her the toast.

"Maybe...Maybe not..", Julian replied while munching her breakfast and smiling.

"Oh, so that's how it is going to be? You are just not going to miss me are you?", Tyler sat down on his chair and tried to make eye contact with Julian who he could see was smiling, "Fine, if that's how you want it to be like..", he said and picked up his newspaper as high as he could to cover his upper body completely.

Julian laughed and pulled the paper off his hands which coincidentally came off quite easily because even Tyler was not gripping it firmly. "You really think I won't miss you? There is nobody in this house that I care for other than you!"

Tyler smiled when he heard this, even though this was not the first time he heard it. "Anyways, you need to help me pack up after breakfast, and we need to go shopping for clothes!"

"Of course I will help you pack, I mean it is not like I have a job from 10 am and it is already 9:30 am!", Julian taunted him, she got up from the table and put the plates on the sink along with the cutlery, "Don't forget to do the dishes darling, and about your clothes don't worry, I remember your size and you know it doesn't matter if you come or not because it is me who chooses it!"

"But Mom, the trend is changing like every day..", he replied while having a bite of his toast. "Oh really, you're going to educate me about trends when clearly that is my job honey!", she replies while applying lipstick and grabbing her handbag from behind the door.

"Fine...", Tyler gasped.

"That's my boy, now do what I have told you to and call me if there is anything, bye-bye!", Julian said while kissing him on the forehead.

"Bye-bye Mom! Have a Safe day at work!", Tyler replied as she shut the front door of the house..

Tyler soon got up began with his chores of washing the dishes, clearing the table and then the house. He sat down on the sofa in the hall and checked the time, it was 9:50 am. As he leaned back on the sofa, he caught a glance of the green hoodie on the armchair next to the kitchen. He quickly ran and grabbed it from the chair and tossed it on his mother's bed. "Reggie should be coming anytime now.", he said to himself and grabbed his phone from the edge of the sofa.

As soon as Tyler picked up his phone he gets a text message that read, "Aye Yo, I'm Outside.", it was Reginold, Reginold Brown.

Tyler left his phone on the sofa and walked up to the front door to find Reggie standing with a big smile on his face, and he did not waste even a second for the door to open completely before he jumped on Tyler to hug him, "What's up bro, how's the packing going on? Is your mom still there or am I late again? Which college did you get in again?"

Tyler slowly pushed Reggie away until the two had breathing space in between, "Slow down brother! I'm still here, you don't need to rush me with so many questions."

"Aye, it's not like every day your brother gets to go to college, is it? Matter of fact, could I use your washroom if you don't mind?", Reggie asked politely.

"Sure why not think of it as your own house, and feel free to borrow some shorts if you want to while coming back!", Tyler added while Reggie sprinted across to the bathroom downstairs close to his Mother's room.

Reggie was a short mixed-race boy, his father was a Swiss and his mother was from Nigeria. Regardless of being from Nigeria, he has a Strong English Accent that he says he got from his father, but he tends to keep that part of him for the public because he feels a lot like home when he is with Tyler. Reggie and Tyler have a history together which takes their friendship back to the first grade when Reggie punched Tyler in the face and ended up breaking one of his canines, because of which to this date he has been apologizing about it to Julian, who herself finds it amusing.

"Did you get anything to wear?", Tyler asked from the hall while setting up his Playstation. "Yeah!", replied Reggie walking back to the hall with his black chinos around his arms. He looked around for a bit and decided to keep them on top of the armchair near the kitchen. "Call of Duty again?", he asked while picking up his controller and sitting down on the sofa. "Yes indeed!", replied Tyler.

"How long has it been since we've done this Tyler?", Reggie asked while waiting for the match to start.

"I guess 3 days, maybe, why?", he asked while checking his phone.

"3 DAYS TYLER, 3 FUCKING DAYS! YOU'RE LEAVING LIKE IN 3 DAYS, I CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE MORE TIME WITH YOU!", Reggie screamed on top of his voice as he stood up and looked down on Tyler.

Just as Tyler was about to reply to that comment is when their controller buzzed, the game had begun! Reggie instantly sat down and put on his headphones, Tyler did the same and both of them connected with their team members on voice chat, "Hello thereee...", "Hi..", "Henlo!", voices came from the team members simultaneously.

"Hello there gentlemen, which one of you is ready for a great game of Call Of Duty?!", Reggie asked politely in his most remarkable English Accent. There was an odd silence in the voice chat, this was unusual in a voice chat of multiplayer games, just then a screeching voice of a boy roughly around 12-13 years of age was heard in the team chat, "Shut the fuck up and play COD you PUSSY!"

Tyler looked up at Reggie and sighed, "Just another day it seems."

Reggie did not pay attention to what Tyler said and was screaming at the kid in their team instead, "You're calling ME a PUSSY?! ME? Bitch I'm 18 and what are you 12? Is that the same mouth you use to talk to your MOTHER? Waste of sperm!"

Tyler predicted this to happen and slowly muted his team chat before the game began, he couldn't remember the last time he played COD this early in the morning and got abused by a 12-year-old online!

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