Chapter 8~ The Truth (Steins P.o.V)

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"Its a shame all your friends are dead." The little girl says. All of a sudden I hear all the bodies drop. Puddles of blood form where they fell. "Stein look into my eyes and tell me what you see." She smiles. I obey her, and see something i haven't seen in two weeks, and wished i never saw again. "Medusa?" I say, hearing my own voice crack. I hear her laugh again. "No but your close... You know that girl with no last name? Yeah... She lied..." She smiles showing her fangs. I take a step back "Gorgon?" I whimper. "Yup" she says happily. I spin the screw in my head as I form an idea. Her power comes from her eyes... I need to strike her while their not glowing. I smile and creepily take a step forward. "Has my lover returned?" She gives me a strange look. I take another step forward. I saw her come to understanding and start to panic. "I... Um... No... Er...GROSS!" She screams. Her eyes stop glowing as she takes a step backwards. She misplaced her foot and fell on her back. I took my chance and slammed the palm of my hand into her chest, sending my souls energy into her at full blast. She screams in pain. I see the skull in her eyes dim. Then the real show began...

Forgotten the Found, A fanfiction of Souleater, The story of Kami GorgonWhere stories live. Discover now