Chapter 12~ The end? (Crona's P.o.V)

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I watch them, every second of it, waiting for my opening. I watched my sister getting stabbed, then fighting back the pain. Then time stops. I see evil Kami about to kick out the blade. I try to run out, to save her, but my body is frozen in time. Very slowly the blade is kicked out. The droplets of blood spraying out. Time returns to normal as the droplets spray across the white marbel. Kami stumbles backwards and falls to one knee. I see evil Kami take a swing. I slash my hand making a light cut, and fling my droplets, transforming them into little blades. Just as the blade was about to taste flesh, my blood sends the sword flying. The recoil of the hit sends her flying with it. I take my chance and sprint from my cover to Kami. I stood in a protective stance,  getting ready for an attack. "Crona... how?" Kami coughs, blood dripping from the ends of her mouth. "I know your my sister." I reply. Her eyes widen. "CRONA!" Evil Kami yells, her eyes glowing blood red. "WHY DON YOU JUST STAY DEAD?! She screams, bloodlust in her voice. I need to give it my all, she wont be holding back. I ghink to myself. As evil Kami scrambles toward me, ahe grabs two longswords. She charges and immediately lunges. I deflect her attack, and go defensive instead of offensive. She backstrokes with her double edged sword. I dodge her every move, as I know that if I take one hit, I'm a goner. She swinga again, I block, then parry, stabbing her stomach, then quickly do a backflip backwards, perfectly landing on my feet. I stare into her eyes, their full of rage. She charges recklessly, her stomach bleeding at a rapid pace. She swings over and over, I block, parry, poke, then back off. She keeps charging but her attacks groe more and more weary. She starts panting, she's bleeding from many places,  from her chest to her legs. I take my chance, surprising her, I swing repeatedly, each time hitting flesh. She crumples to the ground, as a puddle of blood forms under her. I look to where Kami was, she's gone. I panic searching for her. I look over to evil Kami,  who's struggling to get up, I watch her stand. She takes one step foward and stops. I stare open-widened as I see a gigantic sword sticking out of her. "You're reign ends Waro. You will be banished to the bottom of my heart, and will only come when called for." Kami says in a powerful voice. "H-how?" Evil Kami mutters. I look into Kami's eyes. They were bleeding, and swirling black and white. " NEVER!" Evil Kami screams. The sword goes deeper into her chest. Evil Kami screams in pain, breathing fast, short breaths. The she just stops struggling. She fell to the floor motionless. Then slowly didinigrates to dust.

Forgotten the Found, A fanfiction of Souleater, The story of Kami GorgonWhere stories live. Discover now