Chapter 6~ The battle (Crona's P.o.V)

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I stare horrified as I see my "friend" I've known for only two days transform into nothing she looked like before. Without warning Kami lunges at me. "RAG" I yell. He comes out just in time as a short sword. I match her stroke by stroke. But I sense humour in her eyes. All of a sudden I see a shotgun come out of her sleeve, and I just barely dodge the first shot. She shoots repeatedly. "Dance monkey dance!" She screams in that weird voice. I misplace my foot and she shoots it. Pain engulfs my body as I fall over. Without hesitation she lunges at me. I stare into her eyes. I see no mercy or pity, what i see is the real Kami trapped inside the skull. The image disappears as the skull glows red. "RAG HARDEN!" I yell. "OKAY!" the demon yells back. I see evil Kami smirk as her dagger touches my flesh. "That wont work." She smiles. Then she digs the dagger down into my body. The blade sinking deep into my stomach. My eyes widen as it feels like flames consumed my body. I feel the blood in ther back of my throat as she twisted the blade. I cough and bits of blood fly from the back of my throat. My vision dims. I look at evil Kami, she gives me a wicked smile as her skull returns to normal says, "Just go back to sleep now." Everything goes black.

Forgotten the Found, A fanfiction of Souleater, The story of Kami GorgonWhere stories live. Discover now