Chapter 3~ The Renosance

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"both of you, give me your hands." I say "W-what no-" Jax starts. "Okay!" clover exclaims. I wince as clover's warm hands touch mine. "i don't want to hold a hands with a girl besides my sister!" Jax yells at me. All heads turn. Jax face reddens.

"I mean... no offense..."

"Just take her hand."


"Just do it!"

He reluctantly grabs my hand and warm hands. "Why are your hands so clod?" He asks as his face scrunches up. "Just shut up and close your eyes." I say agitated. Jax closes his eyes. I close my eyes as well. I dim out all noise and search for the two souls. I find jax's, his is hard on the outside, but soft on the inside. I focus on connecting with his soul with mine. There's a spark, then a surge of energy between us. I feel, his hands tensing up. I quickly search for clover's soul before Jax loses control and turns into his form. I find her soul, its bright, warm, and young. I focus on it, command my soul to connect with hers. Sparks fly and energy bolt between the three of us. I hear a scream in  the distance. I come to the present and see Clover screaming with her eyes wide open as she slowly turns into beams of energy. "Wha-" She can't even finish the work as she fully transforms into a pink beam and shoots into my hand. I see the handle and grasp it, as the blade starts to form. Still holding hands with Jax i watch the panic grow until he starts yelling. His legs turn into a blue light, slowly going up his body, until He finally he turns into a beam and shoots right into my other hand. I grab the butt of the gun, as the shotgun fully forms. I look at Keyori, then realize the whole class is looking at me open-mouthed. "H-h-how?" Keyori stutters. Everyone is silent... Until the door slams open.

Forgotten the Found, A fanfiction of Souleater, The story of Kami GorgonWhere stories live. Discover now