Chapter 21

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Bakugou's POV

I guess he's scared about the whole 'I just died' thing. I can't complain, though. I did the same thing. And some other stuff. He better not do any of that. Oh god, I really hope he doesn't. I look back at the door and see Racoon Eyes, Pikachu, and Tape Dispenser. I shoot them all death glares, causing them to cower and walk away. I look back at Kirishima and move him a little to see his face. He isn't wearing his usual smile, it's been replaced by a look of depression.

"Hey, Kiri." I said calmly. I didn't want to scare him anymore than he already is. "I know that experience was... terrifying. But that's going to be happening a lot. And I know that that's really not something either of us want to go through. But we can't fix this problem if we just cower in fear and hide from it. So we need to find Midoriya. You said he was probably at either of those two hero fights, right? He's probably at the Mt. Lady fight. So let's head over there now?"

Kirishima looked into my eyes and said nothing for a moment. He must be processing all of this. Then his mouth formed a small smile. "Yeah, I guess you're right." he said as he put his head against my chest. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks immediately. Holyfuckholyfuckholyfuck-

"H-Hey, Kirishima." I stuttered out. He looked up innocently into my eyes. HOLY FUCKING SHIT HE'S ADORABLE. "W-W-We should g-g-o find the uh... the s-shitty nerd, r-right??"

He continued to look into my eyes, and then his face became as red as his hair. "U-Uh-Yeah! Totally!" he said as he sat up, still with tears on his face. Completely out of character and without thinking, I reached my hand to his face and cupped his cheek in my palm. Using my thumb, I wiped the tears off of his cheek.

Then I realized what I was doing. And how red Kirishima's face was. And how hot the room suddenly became.

"Um, sorry. There was-uh- tears and stuff. On your face. So I wiped them off. Because-uh- I got tired of looking at them." I quickly stuttered out. God, that was a shit excuse.

"Um... It's fine! I didn't mind, to be honest..." Wait what- "ANYWAYS! Let's go look for Midoriya, shall we?That fight should be starting soon, so let's get dressed quickly and head out! I'll leave now so you can get dressed ahaha!" he laughed as he slowly made his way out of my room, closing the door behind him. As soon as the door shut, I heard running down the hall to Kiri's room. A door opened and shut, and then I heard a loud banging on the wall. Is he... banging his HEAD against the wall?? Is he that embarrassed??

I stood up out of my bed and started getting dressed, like Kirishima said we should. I decided that since we aren't going to school, I might as well dress casually instead of in my uniform. So I put on a black tank top and camo-pants. I slid on some black boots and put my phone in my pocket, then left my dorm. When I stepped into the hallway, Kiri was already waiting for me. He was wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of black and white checkered vans. I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks, and tried to hide it by turning my face away from his gaze.

"Let's get going, yeah?" asked Kirishima cheerfully. He was just having a mental break down moments ago. How did he recover so quickly?? I nodded my head and started walking towards the elevator, Kirishima following right behind me. We rode the elevator down to the first floor, then exited the building.

As we walked down the street, Kirishima took a look at his phone to see where exactly the hero fight would take place. While he was doing that, I took notice of the scenery around us. It's fall, so all of the trees are different colors and shades of yellow and orange and red. This would be a nice date idea, just walking around here. Too bad I'm single. Aha...

I was suddenly snapped out of my self critical thoughts when Kirishima wrapped his hand into mine. W-WHAT??


"Hmm? Oh! Sorry, Bakubro!" Kirishima said. "Guess I kinda forgot about personal space and stuff, huh?" he giggled. I felt more blood rush up to my cheeks, causing me to just realize now that I've been blushing for a while. "It's whatever." I responded quickly, averting my eyes to the cherry blossom trees.

Kirishima's POV

I have no idea why I did it, but I grabbed Bakugou's hand while I was checking my phone for the address of the fight. No surprise, his hands were kind of rough, but they were warm and comforting to hold. If I could hold his hand for the rest of eternity, I definitely would. I'll admit, Bakugou isn't as awful as he makes himself seem. He's actually really caring and thoughtful... Although he'd lead you believe that he's going to murder you.

Even though I thought holding his hand was nice, Bakugou didn't really feel the same thing, I guess. He started stuttering and stuff, and I think his face started turning red. Maybe he's embarrassed. Maybe he's not gay.

"Hmm? Oh! Sorry, Bakugou! Guess I kinda forgot about personal space and stuff, huh?" I laughed out, slowly taking my hand out of Bakugou's hand. I wish I could keep holding his hand, but if he's not comfortable with it, I'm okay with-

While I was deep in thought and taking my hand away, Bakugou gripped my hand tighter and didn't let me pull it back. "It's whatever." he said, looking over at all of the trees. "It's cold anyways." I looked at his face and felt my checks warm up. God, he's perfect.

~ Time Skip ~

Kirishima's POV

Hands still connected, we finally arrive at the address of the hero fight. I guess we were a little early, though, since everything seemed pretty peaceful. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a little cafe on the street corner.

"Hey Bakugou! Since the fight hasn't started yet, maybe we can get a drink or something? Y'know... 'cause we kind of skipped breakfast... a few times." I asked, looking into Bakugou's eyes. He looked at the cafe I was pointing to for a few seconds, then sighed. "Fine. But as soon as something happens, we're leaving." he said, getting a head start on our way over to the tiny cafe. I ran after him, catching up in a moment's time.

When we finally opened the door to the cafe, we were hit with warm air and the smell of coffee and pastries. We walked up to the counter to make our order. The cashier was this girl with dark blue hair, styled into a ponytail. I'm sure she attracts lots of guys who come in. Too bad I don't swing that way.

"Hey, what can I get you two gorgeous fellas?" she asked seductively. Bleh. "U-Um, I'll have a french vanilla coffee, please." I said, looking up at the menu behind her in an attempt to look away from her. She nodded her head and wrote it down on a cup. She looked up at Bakugou, as if asking for his order with her eyes. "Black coffee." he said, without even batting an eye. She nodded her head again and wrote his order on another cup. "Ok! You two can go sit down at a table. I'll bring you your drinks in a few." she said, winking at me and only me. I felt a disgusting chill go down my spine, and I can feel an angry aura coming off of Bakugou. 


Word Count : 1309

long boi chapter 

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