[Chapter 9] The Waas Forest and the Rampaging Beast

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Once we got to Waas Island (I know, I'm so creative) Erza thanked the sailor generously as the rest of us got off the ship. 

Waas Island isn't known for much. It's small and the only interesting things about it are the village ruins and the abundance of Death Watches. Since Death Watches are mostly rare creatures that peacefully hide in forest caves, camouflaging, and sticking together, a large amount of them living in such a small island is unique and makes it a LOT easier to find them. 

Since Waas Island is sort of isolated, most of the people who live here are hard working locals that have been here for a long time. Obviously, they don't get many tourists. However, the old towns have turned to ruins and Death Watches can be found hiding among the rubble.

As the boat started sailing away, our mission group stared out at the jungle forest in front of us.

There was barely any sunlight. Huge, towering trees stood with canopies that hung close together, making it almost impossible to tell where one tree ended and another started. Vines, bushes, and roots weaved among each other on the ground. Sticks, stones, and leaves piling on top one another. If you know the terrain, the ground made it easy to set traps and find enemies with all the noise they would make on the ground. Monsters could be hidden anywhere...anything could be your enemy. 

But Death Watches are giants. Big, black creatures with hints of green, blue, and purple furs, hidden in all the black. Sure they can camouflage, but they still make a hell of a lot of noise. Even more so, Death Watches don't have powerful offensive magic. They might be able to turn their nature powers into offensive magic, but they're so peaceful, none of them would even think about trying!

So how could this Death Watch be destroying so many villages? Just barreling through and wrecking buildings and homes? Not likely. The villagers should still be able to use small amounts of magic that could help them defend against attacks. But the more important issue-why the Death Watch is hurting people and things.

I was lost in thought, I didn't even notice when the Bakusquad-what I call them now- Meliodas and Ban started to enter the forest. Erza started following, but luckily, kind Elizabeth tapped me and I came back to reality. 

As we entered, the forest seemed even darker. I was getting goosebumps just by walking through the forest. Loud noises freaked me out. And since I didn't know the place, I couldn't teleport us anywhere.

Kaminari looked around, his face showing that the great Waas forest was a wonder to his tiny brain.

"People live here?"

"Yes. They do," answered Erza.

"Must be rough," said Meliodas.

"Yah," agreed Ban. 

"WOAAHHHH" exclaimed Kaminari. 

"The poor people," sighed Elizabeth. 

"Well, they do work hard. I'm sure they love their lives," I said. 


"What just happened?" screamed Kaminari.



"Bakugou?" asked Kirishima. 

"It wasn't me. I'm standing next to you, moron."



It wasn't anyone from our group. Erza's eyes widened as she looked at me.


Heads turned to face the noise. And the sounds of footsteps followed, echoing in the forest. The cracking of sticks. 


The smashing of dead leaves. 


And the panting of our voices. 

"DADDYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" Cried a high-pitched voice. 

There was more light coming from behind a tree. Just a few feet away. 

We broke through the bushes and Erza pulled out her sword. 


"We're too late."

"Fire," said Meliodas, pointing.

The entire town had fallen to ruin. Women and children stood watching on the sidelines while flames burned belongings. A huge inferno blazed in the corner. Avoiding the big fire, men tried their best to put out the smaller fires. The closest person to us was aggressively jumping on a flame while yelling obscenities at it. He was failing. 

Eyes narrowed, Mina pushed him aside and slapped some acid on the fire. It went out within a few seconds.

The man stared at her for a few seconds in shock. 

"Uh, thanks?"

"Your welcome sir, now if you could please evacuate the rest of the townsfolk so we can put out the fire, that would be great. Thank you!"

"Put out the fire?"

Kirishima stepped up, "Yes sir. We'll put out the fire, but we need you guys to leave the area so we can work faster."

The guy stared at the red head for a little longer. Then he pointed at the inferno in the corner of the town. 

"That one started from a house. Are gonna be able to put it out?"

Kirishima nodded. 

"Okaayy. But we have some injured. It might take a while to get everyone out of the way."

"I can help you," he offered. 



"Fine," Bakugou grumbled, throwing down his grenade hands. 

"Coming!" yelled Kaminari.

Meliodas and Ban followed suite. 

"Wait!" called Elizabeth.

Bakugou kept walking, but the rest stopped to look back at her.

"I can help to heal them!"

Oh yeah, I can do that. 

I stepped next to Elizabeth, "I'll heal them too."

In a flash, Meliodas was pulling Elizabeth along. Kirishima's mouth opened as if he was gonna say something, but then closed it just as fast. He motioned to me and continued on his way. 

I smiled, they really seemed like actual heroes. 

As Elizabeth ran after them, I turned to the rest of the team. 

"Todoroki, you just put out the biggest fire in the corner."

"Right," he nodded.

"Mina, Erza, if you could please get the smaller ones? Thanks."

Erza saluted and Mina nodded her understanding. 

"Right! Get to it!" I ordered, running to help the nearest person in need. 

Just what happened to this town? Was it...

The Death Watch?

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