[Chapter 11] Who?

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We all sit in comfortable chairs, sipping tea and water. Our questions to Julius were over and it was finally his turn, sitting in front of us with a sparkle in his eye.

"So, what brings you to the remote island of Waas?" he asks with interest, leaning forward in his chair.

"We got a mission telling us to come here," states Todoroki bluntly. 

"Yeah," adds Mina, "It was about the rouge Death Watch."

He leans back thoughtfully, "And what were the details of this mission flyer?"

"It said it was headed for the guild 'Pine Pen,'" replies Kirishima. 

'Pine Pen.' Now that I think about it, I've never heard of that guild before. It must be hard to even be known all the way out here. How did they even get the mission flyer out to reach us?

"Pine Pen," he repeats, "Huh."

"Yes. Pine Pen," says Ban, "That's what he said. Pine Pen. Pine Pen the guild."

I spare a glare in his direction and in return, I see in the corner of my eye, Ban smirking while poking a Meliodas. Frustrated, I return my attention to Julius, who doesn't seem affected whatsoever by Ban's rude comment and lack of focus.

"If you would like, I could point you in their direction. I don't believe that they moved location yet, and it's best you get going before the beast reaches them," Julius announces, standing up, "But you should still stay here for the night. It wouldn't be good if you left hungry and tired."

"Great!" exclaims Kaminari, "I'm BEAT!"

Erza smacks him upside the head with and reprimanding eye, "Manners."


And so, we stayed the night.


The next morning, we're quickly out of bed, with a bag of food and water from generous Julius and heading out.

"Remember, that way," he reminds us, pointing to the right.

We all nod and turn that way in military formation (just kidding.) As we start walking deeper and deeper into the dangerous forest, a noise stops all of our trivial bickering. 

"HOLD IT DOWN!" shouts a voice to in front of us.


A giant roar cuts someone off... The roar of a Death Watch.

Nodding at each other, we all slowly tip-toe behind a group of thick trees, nearing closer to the sound of chaos. I peek around my tree, but quickly jolt back, stunned. A group of hooded individuals are circled around a Death Watch (most likely the rogue one), trying to tie it down. Understandably, the beast was not having their attempts to restrain it. Roaring and fighting, the suspicious group hadn't yet been able to keep it down.  None of them are using magic... yet. 

I wonder, did these people also accept the job request? It seems strange that two teams would be out here. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Meliodas nod at Ban. Confused, I watch as Ban strolls out into view shouting, "Sup!"

I can't see how the strangers react to his sudden appearance, but I can see the giant fireball that just blew a hole in Ban's chest. Frozen, we all watch as he falls to the ground, eyes wide. Elizabeth rushes to his side, screaming. An even bigger fireball flies, flaming towards her. In a flash, Meliodas is by her side, wielding a tiny sword with 5 holes, "FULL COUNTER!"

With our cover blown, the rest of the group leaps out into view, ready for a full blown battle. Instead, an explosion blows us all back and leaves my ears ringing. I manage to lift my arms up, shielding my face as bits of debris rains down. Acrid smoke fills the air, which is not the best remedy for somebody trying to regain the ability to breathe. A few seconds pass and I'm able to regain my bearings. Groaning, I lift my hand to my ear.


Looking around, the trees are on fire and everyone except Meliodas is lying flat on the ground, Elizabeth sitting next to Ban behind him. Even our enemies(?) are down. Erza's the first one back on her feet, somehow still steady. Kirishima and I follow. Once I'm standing, moving seems to be a slight complication. How Erza was so firm? I have no idea. I'm dizzy and wobbling on my feet. Kirishima seems to have it even worse than I do, winding up back on his hands and knees. 

Taking deep breaths, I manage to summon some light magic to heal myself. Then comes the bigger problem, healing the others. Our other healer, Elizabeth, seems out of commission. Her eyes are wide open and she has a scared smile. Definitely not herself. 

Summoning as much energy as I can, I release the biggest healing spell I know. "HEALING DOME!" As I collapse from effort, a soft glow surrounds each of my allies, restoring their energy and repairing any damage they may have taken from the fall. Sighing, I relax and let my magic enfold me in warmth too. 

A few minutes later, I hear Kaminari shout in wonder, "WOAH!"

Aside from me, everyone is back on their feet (I'm just amazing like that), having made a full recovery. Even my magic is almost fully restored! Somehow, Ban is back on his feet, no injuries to be seen. I don't think my magic can bring people back from the dead...

Erza gives me a nod, "Thanks Melody."

I nod back, "No problem." 

Finally ready for a fight that I am NOT looking forward to, I get to my feet and join the others in a strangely formed line. More dust clears and our enemies seem to be just start to return to reality. The Death Watch lying, unmoving, on the ground next to them. Seeing as they took the full force of the blow, it's kinda hard to believe that they're even still alive. 

Then I notice the flickering wall of blue. Oh! They were able to put up a barrier to protect from some of the blast. Smart butts. 

Suddenly, a head pops up out of the pile of bodies. His hair is white with streaks of black. He mumbles something under his breath and the barrier hardens. Narrowing his eyes, the hedgehog walks up to the bight screen, growls angrily, and punches it. The area he punched ripples, but doesn't break. Laughter from the man inside gets Bakugou even angrier. 

"DIE!" he yells, punching the wall again to no avail. 

As Bakugou continues to lay a barrage of punches onto their defense, more enemies get to their feet. A girl with pink hair and cyan colored eyes. A woman with short purple hair and sparkling purple and blue eyes. A man with messy brown hair and bored eyes pulls a young girl with matching dirty blonde hair to her feet. Even more get up, some poking the Death Watches side, others staring piercingly at us. On closer inspection, they all have some sort of red design decorating their faces.

It makes them look creepy.

Kirishima and Kaminari drag Bakugou back to our ranks as the rest of their group gets to their feet. 

The barrier falls. 

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