[Chapter 12] FIGHT!

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Alright yall. Up to this point, there's been a lot of playful banter and filler stories. Now we're in the ENDGAME and thick is going to start plotenning. Uh. I mean the plot is going to start thickening. 

I'm honestly really regretting making such a serious arc in the story, but whatever. I'll just have to push through!                                                                                                                                 Extremely slowly.                                                             

Anyway, here's the chapter. Hope you enjoy!

Now that the battle's over...                                                                                      Just kidding. I wish it was.

As soon as the barrier falls, our enemies waste no time in launching a counter attack at us. The pink haired girl calls to another while lighting a fire in her palm.


Rhya, obviously the man with black and white hair, grins and nods at her. Ban, Kirishima, Bakugou, and Kaminari all run into battle. Before any of us can react, the two enemies send a large fire spell that circles both groups and keeps anyone from escaping.

Turning, I grit my teeth. These jerks. Confident enough to trap themselves in as well. Unfortunately, they just trapped themselves in with the one and only Erza Scarlet.

Which meant they were probably dead meat...

Except for the fact that she was nowhere to be seen.

My eyes widen as more chaos around me unfolds. I scan the area while sending waves of dark energy into the enemy's ranks. No Erza. No Bakugou. No Ban. No Kirishima. No Todoroki. And no Kaminari. The purple haired enemy also seemed to have disappeared.

I cast a quick spell over Elizabeth and Meliodas to protect from debris as I continue to search the surrounding area. The purple head must've done something when they went into the fight. The rest of us didn't see anything because of the fire.

All I can do now is hope for their safety....and hope to survive until they get back. That lady took a damn good chunk of our group. We're outnumbered 2 to 1.

Which actually isn't that big of a difference now that I think about it.

Getting into battle position, I feel a burst of determination. We can't lose. Not when our other teammates are busy fighting somewhere else.

I take that back. Elizabeth seems out of it and Meliodas is busy trying to get her back on her feet. Mina and I are the only ones actually fighting right now. Not to mention the fact that we're actively defending them too.

Despite everything, my determination doesn't falter. In fact, I think I'm more determined than ever. You know what they say; the worst your odds, the more determined you are to win.

Well, maybe they don't say that, but you get the point. 

I send a wave of light swords into the mix before turning and shielding Elizabeth from another attack. Surrounding myself in a cocoon of light, run to Mina's side. She's already littered in burns and cuts, but is somehow still pulling through. I block another attack with a bright shield. "How ya doing?"

Mina throws some acid bullets at the nearest targets (which just so happened to melt their shoes off) before answering me. "I'm fine."

I don't believe her, but I don't say anything. Instead, I opt to put a protective healing glow to help her out. Mina starts to thank me, but we don't have anymore time for talk.

A mirror appears before me with a girl's face inside. Her purple eyes start glowing and mine widen.

I break the mirror in half. We all know what happens when people's eyes start glowing.

Bad things. Very bad things happen.

Hence my immediate reaction when similar mirrors lined themselves up and formed a zig zag motion. The last one appeared, of course, right in front of my pink haired friend. She manages to break the glass, but more replace it. At the very source of the mirrors are a man and a kid. The kid clings to his leg as he summons a never ending stream of mirrors. I'm about to run over and kick their butt, but a beam of fire quickly blocks my path and I'm forced to turn back around.

I steal one last glance at my friend, weaving expertly between attacks and breaking mirrors like her life depended on it (which it probably did), before turning back to my enemies. The girl with pink hair, Rhya, and a new girl with short blue hair.

Hardly a fair fight if you ask me.

Rhya gives me a lazy smirk. "You're friends aren't going to survive for much longer, you know."

I glare at him but don't reply, sticking to a very aggressive grunt to clearly display my anger.

Fana tilts her head and lifts up her hand to point somewhere behind me. "Neither are you, for that matter."

Quickly, I whip around, but don't manage to fully evade the sneak attack. The shameless new guy comes to a stop and pivots on his heel. An orange glow surrounds not one, but TWO of his hands, forming some sort of claw shape.

How did I not notice him?                                                                                                                                                   Must be the flames. Messing up how well I can sense the light and darkness. 

The blondie grins at me, "I'm impressed you dodged that one there. Watch out for the next one."

I grit my teeth and cough before looking up at my opponents. A sharp pain shoots through my body and I realize that the shield I put over Meliodas and Elizabeth just cracked. I send a little more energy to back it up before turning to my opponents. "You guys are shameless. Four on one doesn't seem quite fair, does it?"

They don't seem bothered by my words, merely amused. As if I was a dog they were watching in a fight, betting on how long I could last against a lion. Glowering, I inconspicuously place my hand on my ribs and start healing myself. Rhya's lazy gold eyes meet mine. "How about you just fight one of us, the rest of us will go attack your little friend over there."

My eyes widen as we turn to look at Mina, clearly not doing very well. Suddenly, the little girl's face appears in the closest mirror and Mina is quite obviously frozen in place. Steel chains wrap around her as another guy reflects a powerful beam off of each of the mirrors. Not hitting the pinky yet, but getting closer by the second.

I go to rescue her, but I'm stopped by a wall of ice. Losers, you think this can stop me?

Quickly, I teleport to the next mirror in the sequence and punch it. Turning, I see Mina struggling to melt the steel off of her. She's out of energy and the acid is starting to corrode her peeling skin.

Mr. Buff Blondie takes this moment to charge at me in full rhinoceros armor. Damn him. I copy his armor with darkness magic and surround myself in even more light. Dodging, I turn back as Rhya and Fana near Mina.

There's one person closest to her that I know can save her. One person who has already demonstrated his strength.


Edit: This chapter was edited multiple times because of the fact that I forgot about Todoroki and there was another part of the plot that I needed to touch on. 

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