[Chapter 10] Julius Novachrono

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Clapping my hands, I yawn, exhausted. 

The entire ordeal was troublesome enough, without the help of wild thoughts running through my head. Questions and possible answers swirled through my head at first, but soon complex thinking became too irritating with the chaos around me. I started wondering about chickens, and bananas, and cats, and books. Books about chickens. Books about banana chickens. Did those even exist? I thought about absolute nonsense as we rescued villagers, put out fires, and argued with others (specifically me yelling at the idiots in our team.) Then, we were done.

It really doesn't seem like a situation that would cause such exhaustion, but if you think about who I was working with, it isn't that hard to imagine. Picture this, Meliodas randomly pulling Elizabeth away from her work and distracting everyone with his actions; Ban burning himself, scaring people, healing himself, and laughing like a maniac when the locals stared at him in shock; Kaminari somehow ending up dumber than he was before, getting yelled at by a pissed off Bakugou hedgehog; and all the other ridiculous people in my group doing DUMB things. Now you know why my voice is SO DAMN SORE! I swear, these people are going to be the end of me. At least I had Erza to help. 

Plopping down on the ground, I stare up into the sky. The villagers really cleared the area well for their little town. The bright oranges, yellows, and reds, swirled together to create a beautiful sunset. Bits of soft blue making little purple clouds across the sky. I smiled wistfully, these are the kinda things you don't see very often in more modern places. Not that where I live is that modern, but this definitely topped all the other sunsets I've seen by FAR. 

"The hell you looking at?" sneers a voice and I slightly lower my head.

In front of me stood, in all their glory, the Bakusquad, Meliodas, Ban, Erza.... and a middle age man wearing an embarrassed face. Sighing, I stand up and offer a tired smile to the stranger.

He clears his throat calmly as the group moves next to me, "Uh, hello. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Suddenly, he straightens up as he scans us, "I'm the mayor of this town and I thank you for helping us in this time of need."

So he was the mayor! Interesting.

"It was our pleasure. It's honor to meet you-" I say, pausing for an answer.

"Julius. Julius Novachrono. Please just call me Julius," he smiles

"Julius," I finish.

He nods kindly before his eyes shine an even brighter purple, "If you would allow me to show you to my home, it would be my honor to get to know you all a bit better over some food."

"Thank you for the offer, but would you be able to house so many people?" asks Erza with an air of authority, motioning to everyone to prove her point.

"And most of the houses just got burned down, do you live in a big house that didn't get burnt?" remarks the ever so carefree Ban. 

"Well, I do actually. I think you'll find fitting you all not a problem. It is a shame about the houses though," answers Julius, "Good thing we can fix that."

We all stare at him questionably as he pulls out a strange book. It wasn't like a normal book, no. It didn't seem to have an ending or a beginning. The pages swirled around the middle to form a beautiful circle. 

Slowly, he whispers, "Time Reversal Magic: Chrono Anastasis," and the pages of the book spin faster, round and round before I can't see anything. Then, the dust clears and there stands the village, clean and well built. Not a damage to be seen. 

In shock, we all turn to Julius who suddenly sways. Elizabeth quickly runs to his side as the rest of us, stare blankly. 

"Are you okay?" she gasps worriedly, starting to heal him.

Slowly, he regains his balance. "I'm fine, just a bit tired after today," he assures her. 

"Are you sure?" she asks doubtfully, watching him carefully.

In a flash, Meliodas is pulling her back to the group, "He's fine."

"Uh, okay."

Julius looks up at us, "Now about my offer."

BNHA x Fairy Tail x Nanatsu no Taizai (Seven Deadly Sins) CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now