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When I opened my eyes, it was around 4:50 in the morning.  It was still dark, and all the other trainees woke up later.  Today would be my day to train with the boys in the morning and with the girls after lunch, so I couldn't be late early and start the day badly: I put on a sports outfit and went to the men's training room upstairs.  .

Surprisingly, when I arrived it was empty ... So I thought they would be changing, and soon they would arrive.  So, I decided to get ahead and start training the dance steps that I have difficulties.

I decided that I will not mention about my diet to them ... But I will start one, and focus more on the dances, since I'm new here and need to stand out for that.

Training hard with a few breaks, I got pretty tired, and when I looked at the clock it was almost 7:30 in the morning ... ,time flies fast

At that same time, the door opens, so I see the boys coming in and I smile saying:

-Hi guys!  Woken up late, huh?

-Somi ??  What time did you get there? "Jimin asked me, laughing slightly, doubtfully.

I smiled, and answered breathlessly.

-About 5 hours ... but I was just taking a few steps and training free-style, in this regard I am rubbish, to tell the truth.

I laughed lightly.

-Five o'clock??-
Jin asked, surprised.

.-I could never wake up that early
Hoseok said, looking at me with a surprise look

He laughs again :
- Yeah, I woke up at this time because I thought you would already be here ... Anyway, let's start warming up, we have a lot to do today!


While training, I noticed that the jungkook was very quiet, which made the mood between us more and more strange.  It seemed that he tried to avoid me every time I corrected some wrong step, besides not dancing with the same energy and intensity that he normally danced.  I was able to teach all the choreography I needed and finally we stopped for lunch.  Ugh, I was hungry!

Hyerin told me about a great diet called the "Disposable Cup Diet."  It goes like this: At each meal, I should put food that fits in a maximum of three 200ml disposable cups.  She told me this is to regulate the amount of food we eat, and I bet it should work.  I will try from today ...

P.O.V Jungkook

Today was really a tiring day, we danced all morning without stopping because of the new chorography we need to learn ...

Today we had lunch with Somi as usual.  I was afraid she was going to lunch with the girls, but it was us, which made me happy.


We were in the old canteen / cafeteria of the company, which we always have lunch every day and for almost every meal ... We were talking and getting food, but something caught my attention when we sat down: the amount of food Somi got, besides  the way he took it.

When I looked, she didn't have a plate in her hand, but three small disposable cups with the food inside.  Is this fashion now?  I've seen other girls doing this around here, but I thought it was some kind of challenge or something.

As curious as I was, I preferred not to ask her anything for now.



-Oh really.  I can't believe you prefer Aquaman over Iron Man!

"Because he's so much nicer and more powerful, the iron man is just another Marvel dump."  DC is much better, really.

-The Iron Man is simply AMAZING!  And there's still a hot girl next to him, with a beautiful house and fucking money, want something better?

-Yes.  The AQUAMAN!  He almost sacrificed himself to save everyone from his city and at the same time tried to save Atlantis !!!  He's strong as hell, and he's still handsome, has nice hair, defined abs and a little redhead, that's as strong as he is!  Hold on, Tony!

Jimin and Jungkook were arguing about characters from Marvel and DC.  The way they took it all was hilarious, so me and the other boys were just watching and
holding back the laughter.

It felt good to realize how close and intimate we had become.

-Aquaman only messes with water.  The most he will do with this is to find Nemo !!!  Tony has a CLOTHING that makes him FLY !!!!  THERE'S MORE- Jeon was interrupted by Namjoon's voice:

- Guys, this discussion of yours is very funny, but we need to get back to training before the manager comes looking for us ... We are already 2 minutes late.  Besides, Somi needs to go to the women's training room now and must be in a hurry.

-OK then.  But the iron man is better ...- Jungkook said, muttering under his breath, and I again held back the laugh.


In the elevator, I say goodbye to everyone and go downstairs to the women's training room;  right off the bat there were girls in the hallway heading for the room, so I was relieved to see that I wasn't late.

I walked into the room looking around, and there were already a lot of girls warming up there (including Hyerin), so I did the same, sitting on the floor and starting to stretch.

After Hyerin saw me there, she called me and we started talking while we were warming up.  Seriously, there are times when I appreciate life for having at least one girl friend here, because otherwise it would be hell everyday ...

Anyway, after a few minutes everyone started training.  The songs were the same as usual, maybe 7 or 8 in total ... There came a time that was a little tired.

This time, we practice Beyoncé's Love on Top.  It was fun to finally learn something new, but it all got a little worse when I missed one of the steps ... I did it left instead of right.

-Hey, pay attention!  We were all in perfect sync ... Argh.

That teacher was usually nice, but she was crude in her words to me.  I felt a little down, because she didn't fight much with the other trainees ... but what to do, right?

Minutes later, I make the same mistake, only the teacher didn't say anything to me.  Who said something this time was the trainee next to me:

-Again?  What incompetence ...

I pretended not to hear, but that again shook me a little, because I was trying, I was training hard and doing my best.  What a bad feeling ...

Shortly thereafter, there was a moment of step transition.  At this time, I needed to cross the room and get to the other side, as I always did in this song.

I took the steps to the music and everything was fine until I tripped over one of the girls who had set it in front of me to fall.  Yeah, at that moment I was on the floor.

At that moment, I froze.  My legs hurt from the fall, and all the girls were looking at me and laughing slightly at each other ... I panicked.  I felt so humiliated at that moment, as if I was a burden, a dumb and stupid person ...

... But my thoughts stopped when we all heard a noise coming from the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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