Day 6

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Song: Have A Holly Jolly Christmas

It had to be the millionth time since the start of December.

Harry sighed, staring up at the red berries and green leaves, sparkling with silver.

"Why me?" he murmured.

"Want some help?" came a soft voice.

Harry turned around to see the attractive blonde seventh-year Slytherin he had seen around Hogwarts from time to time.

"If you don't mind," he said, giving him the most charming smile he could manage. "But if you're going to kiss me, I think I should know your name."

"Elijah," the boy said sweetly, advancing toward him. "And I already know yours, Harry."

The boy had blue eyes, which could be close enough to grey if Harry didn't pay enough attention. His hair could be just slightly lighter, his eyes could sparkle a little more, he could smirk, oh now he was smirking and damn, this boy was hot.

"Nice to meet you, Harry Potter," Elijah murmured, and kissed him softly.

Harry could almost pretend it was Draco kissing him.

The kiss was longer than it needed to be, but Harry found that he didn't particularly mind. When they finally did break apart, he smiled at the blonde.

"Hell of a meeting, Elijah."

Elijah grinned, gleaming white teeth practically sparkling. Jesus, if Harry didn't know better, he would say Draco had a brother.

"Hell of a meeting. Hope to see you around, Harry."

Harry found himself grinning as he entered the Gryffindor Common Room, and Hermione looked up curiously.

"What's happened?"

"I met a boy," he murmured.

She smiled brightly. "That's great! Who is it?"

"His name is Elijah."

"Hm. I don't think I know him."

"Probably not, he's a seventh year."

"Oh, so you're into younger men," Ron joked. Harry grinned, throwing a pen at him.

"What does he look like?" Hermione asked, leaning forward, book discarded.

"Blonde hair, light blue eyes, killer smirk, and god, he can kiss."

He missed the look Hermione exchanged with Ron.


Harry hit his head against the wall.

"That looked painful. I can almost hear you losing brain cells from here."

Harry looked up, confused, but relaxed and grinned upon the sight of Elijah.

"Hey, Elijah. Help me out?"

"Aw, darling, of course. I would love nothing more." Elijah approached him, lifting his chin slightly with his index finger and kissing him softly.

Harry was almost dizzy from the kiss.

"Damn, Draco," he murmured. "You're an amazing kisser."

"Hm," Elijah murmured, pulling away slowly. "And I love to kiss you, so long as you don't mix up my name."

And he was gone.

Harry froze once he realized what he had said.


The third time it might not have been much of an accident.

Maybe he had seen Elijah walking up the stairs and ran down the hall to get underneath the mistletoe, maybe he didn't.

You can't prove anything.

Nevertheless, Elijah was approaching with a slight grin and a bit of exasperation and a candy cane in his mouth, and Harry gave him his best puppy dog eyes.

"Help me?" he asked sweetly.

Elijah grinned. "You gonna remember my name?"

"I'm sorry about that, Elijah. Really."

Elijah smiled sweetly at him. "You're okay. I know it's hard to get over people."

Harry nodded, a bit distracted by the candy cane Elijah seemed to really enjoy sucking on.

"Still want help?" Elijah was grinning now; he knew exactly what Harry was looking at.

"Yes," Harry whispered breathlessly, and Elijah kissed him.

He tasted like peppermint, and Harry decided maybe it wasn't as hard to get over Draco as he had initially thought.

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