Day 11

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Song: It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

This one is dedicated to those of you who shipped harry and elijah i hope you regret your choice

"Two weeks until Christmas!" Pansy cheered as she dropped down onto the bench.

"Good morning to you too," Ron replied. Hermione avoided looking at her.

Pansy glanced at Hermione, looking a bit nervous and uncomfortable. She tugged on Hermione's sleeve and tilted her head toward the entrance to the Great Hall, raising one eyebrow.

"Can we talk?" she whispered.

Hermione nodded, blushing and standing from the table, joining Pansy in walking away.

"Good morning," Neville said as he sat down. Draco sat down seconds later, nodding in greeting before reaching for the apple juice.

"That's gay," Blaise commented as he sat down, eyes focused on the entrance.

Harry turned, laughing out loud upon the sight of Hermione and Pansy kissing under the entrances's enchanted mistletoe.

"So much for a talk," Ron said, grinning and turning back to his food.

"Question," Draco said, pointing his fork at Ron. "When did you realize you were asexual?"

Ron grinned. "I don't think you want the horribly awkward story of the first time me and Hermione tried to... you know, and I realized I didn't want sex and she realized she didn't want men."

Draco laughed, actually laughed, all bright smiles and lit up eyes, leaving Harry breathless.

 "Alright, point. When did you realize you were aromantic?"

"Shortly after, I think. I was trying to figure out why I didn't want sex, and I think it was either Neville or Luna who introduced me to the topic of the LGBT spectrum."

"It was me," Neville cut in through a mouthful of pancake.

"Alright, Neville then. I asked about some things, and found some things about myself."

"Interesting," Draco murmured.

"Why? Do you think you're aromantic?"

Harry looked up in horror. If Draco was aromantic, he would never have a chance.

"Nah. I like men romantically. But asexual... maybe."

Ron raised his eyebrows slightly. "Thank you for trusting me with that information."

Draco gave him a slight smile and nodded slightly before turning to face Harry.

"So, is your boyfriend okay? He seemed real upset last night."

"He's not my boyfriend," Harry replied quickly. "And yeah, he's alright. Family stuff."

Draco nodded in understanding. "I'm glad he's okay."

Harry smiled at him, and Draco smiled back, and just for a few moments, the whole world felt right.

"Harry," Elijah cut in, squishing into the seat between Harry and Ron. He lowered his voice so Harry was the only one who could hear him. "Why are you talking to him?"

Harry frowned. "He's my friend."

"You know how it makes me feel when you're all flirty with other guys, Harry," Elijah bit back.

"We weren't being flirty, we were having a normal conversation, and I think you mean guys or girls," Draco cut in. Apparently Elijah hadn't been as quiet as Harry had thought.

Elijah glared at him and then turned back to Harry.

"Harry, I can't keep doing this if you're going to keep making me question whether you like me or not," he whispered. "You haven't even asked me out! I'm starting to think you don't even like me, you're just using me as a substitute for-"

"I do like you!" Harry cut him off, panicked. He wasn't lying. He did like Elijah, even if he also liked Draco.

Fine. Even if he loved Draco.

"Then why haven't you done anything?" Elijah asked loudly, waving his arms around. "I've been sitting around, so patiently, waiting for you to give me literally any of your time or attention, and you act like it's my responsibility to control this... thing we have going on!"

"Elijah, I'm sorry I upset you. What can I do to-" 

"I don't even want to talk to you right now," Elijah cut him off, standing up. "Find me when you can figure out what the hell you want."

He was gone, and Harry ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated.

"I thought you guys have only been sort-of talking for like, a week?" Blaise asked. 

Harry nodded miserably.

"So he really has no right to tell you to figure things out so soon," Dean added.

Harry just shrugged.

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