Day 3

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Song- We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Harry knew he was late. He rushed through the corridors to get to the Gryffindor Common Room. He had forgotten about their studying session today.

"Fuck!" he shouted as he ran into an invisible wall. He stumbled back a bit, before sending a Patronus to Hermione.

"Um... Potter? You good?"

Harry turned, shocked, to face Draco.

"Why aren't you at the study session?" he asked.

Draco ran his finger through his hair, an action Harry would never admit to staring at with fascination. "I had to run back and grab a book. What are you doing here?"

Harry pointed up. "Being trapped."

Draco's eyes traveled up, and his eyebrows rose at the sight. "Ah."

Harry nodded, sighing and leaning back against the invisible barrier behind him.

"Do you..." Draco seemed almost... nervous. "Do you want me-"

"Harry!" Hermione shouted, approaching him. The rest of the members of their group were trailing behind her. "How do you always end up in these situations?"

"I don't know," Harry muttered, glancing at Draco one more time before turning to her. "Shitty luck."

Pansy laughed. "Shitty luck is right, if what Ron said is true. Is this really the second time in two days?"

"Third," Harry grumbled. "The fourth year that found me was way too excited."

Pansy was laughing too hard to answer that. Hermione smiled.

"Well, Golden Boy, who would you like to be your knight in shining armor?" Blaise asked dramatically.

"I don't care. Just get me outta here."

"Say no more!" Seamus said brightly, but Harry held up a hand.

"Absolutely not. I've already been attacked today."

That had Pansy dissolving into laughter again. Blaise grinned and murmured something to Neville. Neville shrugged and nodded his head. Blaise stepped forward, dramatically extending his hand.

"May I kiss you, my darling damsel in distress?" he asked formally.

"Shut the fuck up," Harry responded, although the grin on his face took the edge away from his words.

"As you wish." Blaise straightened, grabbing Harry. Before Harry could even realize what was happening, Blaise was dipping him low and kissing him passionately.

When he finally stood back up and righted himself, Harry blinked several times, before pointing at Neville.

"You," he said decisively. "Are a lucky man."

Pansy collapsed into laughter for the third time. Neville just nodded thoughtfully. Ron made a gagging motion.

"Are we ever going to study?" Draco cut in, a slight edge to his voice.

"Yeah," Hermione agreed, grabbing Pansy's arm and dragging her toward the Gryffindor Common Rooms. "We are."

Harry followed her, trying not to watch Draco as the blonde walked just ahead of him.

They reached the common room, and Pansy dramatically flopped onto one of their beanbags, sighing and opening a textbook. Hermione dropped into the one next to her, pulling out a notebook and starting to write.

Dean and Seamus curled up together on the loveseat, holding a textbook, pointing and murmuring questions to each other.

Ron laid on his stomach in front of the fire, pulling out his Potions essay. Blaise and Neville squished together on the only other beanbag, and Harry was pretty sure they had no intention of actually studying, because the book in Blaise's lap was closed and his lips were against Neville's throat.

Luna and Ginny sat at the chess table, pushing the pieces to the side and working on Transfiguring a small bird.

Draco dropped down onto the couch, and after a moment of hesitation, Harry sat down on the other side.

He pulled out his Potions essay and textbook and started copying down the sections that looked write.

After about ten minutes, Draco murmured "It's essence of lavender, not straight lavender."

Harry paused. "What?"

Draco pointed at his paper. "You wrote that it's lavender. It's not, it's essence of lavender."

"Are you just watching me write?" Harry asked.

Draco frowned. "No. I looked up for two seconds. Sorry for trying to fucking help."

He returned to his book index finger tapping against the cover almost imperceptibly.

"Thank you," Harry said quietly.

Draco didn't look up. "You're welcome."

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