Day 18

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Song: Last Christmas

Harry was starting to feel like he couldn't breathe.

What if no one ever loved him? What if the world was full of Elijahs, waiting to clutch desperately at his fame and drag him away from everyone? What if he could never find love?

He hadn't truly let himself feel those feelings yesterday, he tried to focus on the rage, but now the rage had dissipated and all he was left was a hole in his heart and a sinking feeling in his stomach that the rest of his life was going to be this way.

The sun was shining for the first time in a few days, glinting off the snow on the ground. Others were throwing snowballs outside happily, but Harry just sat on the windowsill and watched glumly.

"Damn, Elijah did a number on you, didn't he?" Draco's voice murmured before the blonde walked up behind Harry and sat on the windowsill with him, legs tangling up with Harry's.

"Shut up."

"Stop it. Tell me what you're thinking."

"I just... What if everyone's like that, Draco? What if everyone just wants me for fame and wants to drag me away from my friends and make sure I'm theirs? What if I never get to find real love because everyone just wants me for the name and the money?"

Draco reached out, interlacing his fingers with Harry's. "The rest of the world isn't psychopathic stalkers, Harry," he said with a slight grin. "You're just unlucky enough to have found one. There are millions of good people out there who would love you for you."

Harry relaxed slightly. He really needed to have Draco around more often, the blonde was much more rational in times of stress.

"What do you say we go to the Three Broomsticks tomorrow?" Draco asked, suddenly shifting and looking a bit nervous. "Get some drinks and talk and see if we can find you a cute guy or girl."

"Thank you," Harry murmured. At Draco's confused expression, he elaborated. "Elijah didn't like to acknowledge that I'm bisexual. He claimed that because I was with him, I was gay."

"Is that a yes?" Draco asked, raising a hopeful eyebrow.

Harry laughed, lightly shoving his leg with his own foot. "Yeah, dumbass, I'll go."

Draco's smile was much brighter than the sun outside.

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