Day 20

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Song: Mistletoe

Harry was practically dancing on air as he walked toward the Great Hall. Today honestly felt perfect.

"Ah, shit."

Hermione and Ron looked up at him in confusion.

"I forgot my whole ass bag."

"Dumbass," Ron snickered. "I'll come with you to get it."

Hermione shrugged. "I have another black-haired hottie to attend to. Ta." She turned and went in the Great Hall, carefully stepping around the enchanted mistletoe.

"Bye- wait, another?!" Harry yelled as Ron dragged him away, laughing.

He didn't notice the blue eyes staring at Ron's hand around his arm.

"Dumbass," Ron repeated, still laughing at Harry's stunned expression. "How did you even forget your bag anyway?"

"I'm lovestruck, Ron, leave me alone," Harry replied, grinning at his friend.

Blue eyes narrowed.

"I really hope you being in love doesn't affect your grades, because if you're gonna be this fucking stupid I'm not giving you answers," Ron mocked.

"Rude!" Harry replied, pretending to be affronted. Ron just laughed, muttering the password so Harry could run in the dorm and grab his bag.

As they walked back to the Great Hall, Ron nudged him. "Hey, do you really love him?"

Harry thought about it and nodded. "Yeah. I really do."

"Is it a good or bad feeling?"

"Both. It's amazing to actually feel so much love toward a person, but knowing he doesn't love me back crushes it into a little ball of despair."

"Deep," Ron commented, before bumping into him, knocking him forward.

"What the hell?" Harry asked, shocked.

"Oops," Ron replied with a deadpan expression. "It appears I've accidentally knocked you into the Great Hall entrance. Yikes."

Harry looked up, and sure enough, there was the mistletoe.

Ron glanced down the hallway, before looking back at him. "Well, sucks mate. Good luck."

"Ron, get me outta here!" Harry protested, still confused.

"Sorry," Ron replied with a grin, his eyes flickering down the hall before returning to Harry again. "I'm ace and aro. I'm not comfortable with that kind of intimacy, haven't you heard?"

"Ron!" Harry yelled as Ron slipped past him with a grin, slamming the door to the Great Hall shut.


Harry froze. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

He loved Ron. Ron was a god, he owed him so fucking much, he was going to buy this boy the best fucking Christmas present.

He tried to keep a calm face as he turned around.

"Hey, Draco."

Draco grinned shyly at him before glancing up at the silvery mistletoe. "It appears you're stuck."

"It does," Harry replied, trying to calm the butterfly storm in his stomach.

"Would you like some help?"

"You don't have to if you're not comfortable with it," Harry immediately responded.

"I thought I told you, I don't consider kissing sexual," Draco replied easily before he leaned forward and softly kissed Harry.

God, Harry was fucked.

He was already head-over-heels in love with this boy, how was he supposed to go the rest of his life knowing that he tasted like sweet vanilla and his lips were impossibly soft?

Draco pulled back, smiling nervously at the dazed look on Harry's face.

Harry tried to gather his thoughts, settling for "I also thought you said you consider kissing romantic?"

"An interesting observation," Draco commented, opening the door and entering the Great Hall, leaving Harry with his dazed mind and shocked expression.

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