Day 12

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Song: White Christmas

Harry had half a second to register that someone was coming towards him before Elijah crashed into him, hugging him tightly in the middle of the library.

"Wha- Elijah?"

"I'm sorry, Harry," he said, his voice muffled by Harry's shirt. "I shouldn't have said those things to you, I was angry and impatient and it was so so mean, I feel horrible and after I said it. I went to my dorm and cried and just felt awful."

"Erm, it's alright," Harry replied, unsure of himself.

"Oh, god, you hate me, don't you? You hate me and you never want to see me again, how was I stupid enough to think that you could ever want to date me, that I could ever be good enough for Harry Potter-"

"No, that's not the case at all!" Harry exclaimed. "Elijah, I'd love to date you, it's just-"

"You would?" Elijah asked, pulling away with an enchanted look on his tear-stained face. "You would really?"

Fuck. Harry had wanted to tell him that he was in love with Draco and it was making things complicated, but the fact that just those words had made Elijah go from distraught to glowing with happiness made Harry feel horrible about even thinking of telling him that.

"Yeah," he whispered, and immediately wished he hadn't, because in that exact second, he saw Draco standing three feet away, holding a book in his hands and staring at them and realized he wanted nothing more than to be over there with him.

But he couldn't tell Elijah that, not when the boy was covering his mouth with one hand, eyes shining with happiness.

"I can't believe I'm dating Harry Potter," he whispered, and that clenched a small pit in Harry's stomach, but he just smiled and returned Elijah's hug.

When he looked up again, Draco was gone.

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