Day 16

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Song: Carol of the Bells (Mykola Leontovych version)

Honestly, Harry needed to learn how to walk places and look where he was going, because he was yet again trapped underneath the stupid fucking mistletoe, and if it happened one more fucking time he was going to lose it.

He watched the blonde walk past him, and judged his options and how mad the boy would be before he hissed "Elijah!"

Startled, the blonde turned, eyes narrowing when he saw Harry.

"Harry," he replied coldly. "What do you want?"

"Look, Elijah, I'm really sorry about what I told your parents, I didn't know it was a secret."

Elijah was looking above his head at the silvery fern. He sighed heavily, stepping forward and kissing Harry lightly.

"I'm going out of town for the day. We can talk tomorrow. In the meantime, you can come up with ways to make it up to me," he replied.

"Why are you going out of town?"

"To visit my sister in the hospital."

"I thought she was better, your parents said-"

"Oh, so now you're going behind my back about my own family too?" Elijah shook his head, giving Harry a betrayed look. "Christ, Harry, I thought you actually liked me."

"I do!" Harry replied desperately. "Elijah, really, I didn't know these things would be secrets, I feel awful, how can I make it up to you?"

"I don't know if you can," Elijah sighed, and walked off.


Harry stared blankly out the window at the falling snow.

He couldn't get last night out of his head. The dancing, Draco's smile, his soft hands in Harry's.

God, he was in love, and the blonde didn't even know.

"You alright?"

He turned to face said blonde. "Yeah."

"Liar," Draco replied affectionately, sitting on the windowsill with him. "What's wrong?"

Harry just shook his head. "I'm fine."

"That's not what you said yesterday. Look, you can talk to me." Draco scooted over, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

Harry immediately stiffened, eyes searching for any sign of his boyfriend.

"Look, he's not here, you can relax," Draco sighed. "Honestly, Harry, I'm sick of this. He's got you constantly on edge anytime anyone talks to you or touches you or even comes near you. He doesn't control your life, Harry. You're allowed to have friends still."

Harry sighed, relaxing into Draco's embrace. "Do you know where he went?"

"He didn't tell you where he was going before he left?" Draco's face was screwed up in confusion.

"He told me he was going to visit his sick sister in the hospital."

Draco frowned. "As far as I know, his sister is fine."

"His parents said the same thing..." Harry mumbled.

"Look, Harry, you told me yesterday that you aren't okay and said we could talk later. It's later, Harry, and I'm here for you."

Harry sighed. "I just... I feel like my feelings for Elijah was a burst of affection and a weak attempt to cover up my feelings for someone else. And I know it's terrible, but it's true. I did like Elijah in the beginning, but it's twisted now, and he just seems like a different person, but I would feel so terrible if I broke up with him after just over a week of dating."

"Break up with him. It doesn't do either of you two any good to pretend your relationship is working. If you think it can't be fixed, don't bother. Throw it away."

Harry nodded miserably. "Yeah, maybe. But I'm trying to not think of people around me as disposable."

Draco laughed. "Especially since last time you did, I was trapped under mistletoe for a half-hour."

"You were stuck there for a half-hour?" Harry asked, horrified. "Christ, if Elijah hadn't dragged me away, I would have stayed there with you until you weren't angry at me anymore or I had made it up to you."

Draco shrugged, grinning. "Say, why did he drag you away anyhow?"

"He saw me look upset and run out of the Great Hall," Harry replied, blushing slightly.

Draco removed his arm from Harry's shoulders, giving him a shocked look. Harry's smile immediately dropped. Shit, maybe Draco realized that I was so upset because I have a crush on him-

"Harry," Draco said slowly, as if he was trying to figure it out himself.

"Yeah?" Harry replied nervously.

"Harry, Elijah left the Great Hall before you ran out. How could he have known that?"

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