Chapter 15

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 August's P.O.V

It was like two in the morning and kayla was knocked out on the hammock outside with a red cup of liquor in her hand.........i smiled and went to pick her up leaving the cup on the ground.......i picked her up bridal style letting her wrap her her arms around my neck.i stepped over the cups and stuff going outside passing everyone still partying in the house.

Me: Meme i'm leavin

Nyomie: ight see ya later...........get home safe

Me: ight

I left and put her in the passenger's seat, reclining it back so she could be more comfortable and buckling her in..........then i got in the driver's seat.......tired as hell i couldn't drive this tired so i just drove to the corner 

Me: *lightly shaking kayla* kayla..........................kayla

Kayla: hmmmmmm.................

Me: you want somethin from the store

Kayla: *sleep* no

Me: ight

I got out the car and walked in the store and got orange juice and candy to wake me up alittle then i paid for my stuff and walked out eating my candy when i got in the car i buckled up

Me:*chewing* want ------

I looked to the side and kayla wasn't there, my eyes got wide and dropped my candy and huried up and got out the car  and started running tryin to look for her....when i turned the corner kayla was running and skipping down the side walk in a black bra waving her shirt in the air

Me: oh my god

I started running calling her name, but trying not to be loud so people won't come out their house and make the situation worse

Kayla: *singing* sommeeee whhheerrreee ovvveeerrr tthhhheee raaiiinnnbooowwwww

I rolled my eyes and ran faster after her,

Me: kayla

I grabbed her by her stomach making her stop and tried to put her shirt back on, she kept moving making it harder than it shouldn't have

Kayla:*laughing* aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh   there after me

Me: shhhhhhhh.............

I put her shirt on and she got up and started running again getting ready to take off her shirt again, then she jumped on top of somebody's car

Kayla:*yelling* it's my money and i need it noooowwww

I ran for her and she jumped off the car and started running again

Kayla: *laughing and yelling*  yooouuuuu ccaaaaan't catch meeeeeeeee auuugguusssstttttt

This girl must run track cuz she was running really fast

Me: kayla stop

She ran fast and jumped over the bushes..........i felt like i was in the olymics while kayla thought she was in subway surfers jumping and running across cars, i'm sorry to say but i was happy when she ran and tried to jump over a garbage can and fell...........i ran up to her and she was on her back acting like she was making snow angel's............i stood there trying to catch my breath

Kayla: c'mon.....join me

Me: *sigh* 

I bent down and picked her up....she tried to put up a fight but then she calmed down....i was sitting on somebody's lawn holding kayla waiting for her to calm down all the way

Kayla:*smiling* august...............can we take a picture

She reached up and started playing with my lips.............I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone going to the camera and switched to front camera when she saw our reflection she just started cheesing so hard you couldn't see her eyes, i held her and reached down kissing her head taking the came out nice i saved it and looked at the other pictures we took together that night........if some stanger saw these they would think we're together....i locked my phone and put it in my pocket........when  i looked down, she was holding my arm around her stomach sleeping

Me: finally

I picked her up bridal style walking all the way back to the car, it was a long ass walk to......eventually when we got there i bulked her in and i got in driving back our houses....the whole ride there i kept thinking about that kiss we shared............when i pulled up to our houses it was 4:00......there's no way i'm knocking on her door saying" sorry for the inconvience......we were partying and kayla got drunk...ran the street with out a shirt and stuff" .I got out and picked her up again and walked to my door opening the door with my key really slow

When i got in kayla held tighter to me as i walked up the stairs really quietly opening up the door to my room and layed her on my bed, i took off her sneakers and pulled the blanket over her and took a quick shower and putting on sweatpants. Then i grabbed another blanket and made a pile of sheets and blankets on the carpet and ploped down and went to sleep.

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