(6) I Can't Stop

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Alliana was at the library that Saturday. She had three papers to write she was late to Professor Cooper's class earlier in the week. But before he could drop her as a student. She went to her student advisor to let her know the problems she's been having with him as a professor.

Her advisor gave helped her switch her class. She was still business economics with a different professor on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays it was her only night class.

While she was doing her homework at the library. Bucky was attending a business gala. When he seen his old professor there.

"Professor Cooper. How are you?" He said as he sipped his scotch.

"Im doing well James. How have you been? Business doing well?" Franklin said

"Yes I have been doing well. Business is doing good. How's teaching?" Bucky said

"Good. It's been better since Alliana Halcomb has been removed from my class." Franklin said

"What? The girl that was late?" He said trying to play it off.

"Yes her. She was late again Tuesday morning. But she went to her advisor had my class dropped and was put in Professor Greyson's business economics night class." Franklin said

"Oh..well maybe a night class will be better for her. If you will excuse me sir." He said

Bucky walked out to the foyer. He called Jasper.

"Sir do you need me to pull around?' Jasper said

"Yes please." He said

Bucky went home he laid there staring at his ceiling. He couldn't sleep cause he couldn't stop thinking about Alliana.

He went into his bathroom to take warm shower. As he took his warm shower he began to jerk off as he thought about Alliana.

"Ah god Alliana. Oh Alliana baby mmm thats it. Just like that baby oh faster.." he kept whispering.

He finally began to squirt his shower wall. After that he took some of his sleeping pills. He was finally able to go to sleep.

The following Monday morning after another rough night of sleep. He came into his office slumped into his seat.

He sighed. "Why can't I stop thinking about her. It was one night. One night of amazing sex in my back seat. God was she amazing.." he thought to himself.

Bucky swallowed hard. Steve and Sam came busting through the door. "Oh man you look like shit." Sam said

"Shut up." He said

"Well Peggy got a call this morning. We have to not only stop in Paris but Tokyo and Dublin."  Steve said

"I know. She called me on my way in. Thats fine we are starting to go international I figured that they would want to be meeting in person. She also said something about Rome too." He said as he checked his email.

"Okay..well we need to re do our whole business trip plan." Peggy said as she came in.

"Yes we do." He said as he cancelled everyone's tickets.

That night Bucky was sitting in his home office. He was working on his new international contracts. Jasper texted him.

"She just took an uber to the campus. It appears her jeep isn't working again."

"Thank you Jasper."

Bucky knew then when her night class was. He chewed the inside of his lip. Then his phone went off again.

"Hey dont forget to put it on your calendar that the Barnes Lake Tahoe trip is next month."

"I know mom."

He sighed. "Turned 30 and living on my own. And my mother still treats me like a child" he mummered to him self.

He saved all the contract deals and exited out of them. He stared hard at his laptop at a blank new document on Microsoft Word.

He let out a breathe as he began to type. He spent two hours drawing up a contract. When he was done he printed off two copies of it including a new NDA.

He hid it in his desk drawer then went to bed.

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