(11) Her Staff

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The following Monday while she was sitting in her Foreign Language class. She felt her phone buzz.

From: James
"Be here at 2pm"

"I have a class at that time."

From: James
"I dont care. Be here or need I remind you of what happens when you disobey me. You are still healing from last week don't piss me off."


Bucky had spent most of his morning and weekend conducting interviews. He had Jasper Henry and Jolene help him. Once he had all of his new hires that he felt he could trust. He wanted her to meet them so she knew who she was dealing with.

He sent out the emails to the ones he chosen. He also sent one to Wanda to be there as well. Natasha already did her part for the most part. Alliana's walk in closet was full of designer brands.

The only thing he has asked of Natasha now is her ball gowns. When 145 rolled around Allie walked in with Fazoli's. She sat at his conference table ate her lunch.

"Mr Barnes. Your new hires are here as well as Ms Maximoff." Meredith said

"Put your food away." He said in a stern tone.

He opened his door once she was threw her food away. Jasper and Henry came with people she had never seen before besides Wanda.

"Okay Alliana darlin..this is your staff. This lady here is your cook Catalina Peters. This is your maid Quinn Jackson. This guy here is added security especially for when I go out of town on business his name is Declan Taylor. And of course you already know Wanda she is going to be your full hair/make up stylist. And of course there is your driver Henry." Bucky said

"Oh..it is very nice to meet you all." She said

"This is my girlfriend Alliana Halcomb." He said as he stood behind her.

She smiled at them. "You will help Catalina plan our your weekly meals. Quinn will be by every day after you leave for class to clean. Declan and Henry will both be taking you to the college and picking you up. Staying with you to ensure your safety. We have installed a security system into the brownstone. Curfew is 11pm Alliana."

She continued to keep a fake smile on her face. Even though behind her he was pinching her to keep her quiet. "You all start tomorrow. Ms Halcomb has officially been moved out of her old apartment." Henry said

"Yes sir." They all said

"Be at her place by 7AM Ms Peters." Bucky said

"Yes sir." She said

"Her kitchen has already been fully stocked." Bucky said

"Thank you." She said

"You all may go." Bucky said

They all left the office. Bucky moved her hair off her neck. He kissed her neck.

"Thank you for being a good girl just now and keeping your mouth shut." He whispered

She looked down. "Yeah. Can I go back to campus now?' She said

"Not yet." He said as he undid his pants. He bent her over his desk and thrusted hard into her as he spanked her and squeezing her breasts.

Once he finished he said "Now you can go back to class."

She fixed her pants grabbed her stuff and left. That night Bucky came over to her brownstone. They were laying in her bed when it go to be 1030. He started to get dressed to leave.

He kissed her forehead at the top of the stairs. "I will see you Wednesday okay?" He said

She forced a smile said "Sure."

He started down the stairs when he heard muffled cries. He looked behind him to see her gone. He walked back to her bedroom door.

He quietly peeked in to see her cuddling a pillow as she cried in the dark. Once he went back down the stairs he set the security alarm locked the door and left.

The next morning she woke up to the smell of food and coffee. She walked downstairs to see Catalina putting food on a plate.

"Ms Halcomb good morning." She said as she sat down at the table.

"You can call me Allie. And I take cream and sugar in my coffee." Allie said

"Coming right up." She said as she went to back to get her coffee cup.

After she finished up breakfast she got herself ready for class. She found her back pack in her home office. As she walked out she saw both Declan and Henry waiting in her foyer.

"Ready Ms Halcomb?" Declan said

"Yes." She figured there was no use in telling him to call her Allie Henry wouldnt no matter how man times she's told him.

Bucky sent Henry a text to see how the morning went. Henry let him know that she didn't seem upset.

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