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the sun had barely set that friday night by the time she was already over at his apartment. he only had to call once and ask before she was already on her way with a bag full of supplies and smile on her usual painted red lips.

"i expected you to be quicker." jungkook said first thing after opening the door.

hyuna rolled her eyes and walked into his apartment, "i'm wearing boots, did you expect me to run?"


"shut up." she shot back. it was softened with a pretty smile and bag of snacks being pulled from her tote, "and i brought these."

jungkook grabbed the takis and moaned dramatically. "hobi hyung ate all mine, you're a blessing." he said as the two friends walked into his dining room where all the equipment was set up for filming. he needed a backup video in case he couldn't come up with something for this weekend at jin's.

"so do you know what you're doing?" hyuna asked as she started to take out various makeup items and brushes. jungkook glanced over and his eyes widened a bit, he expected maybe a lipstick and a few stickers. why did one girl have so much makeup?

"of course." he said anyways, opening the bag of takis and taking a seat at the table. "you're going to be stunning."

"am i not now?" the girl rose an eyebrow and jungkook suddenly panicked. they may have been closer friends now but that doesn't mean socializing didn't freak him out still.

"uh," he choked on the single syllable, "taki?" he offered her one of the red snacks.

hyuna just laughed so lightly and shook her head, her hair was no longer red anymore but instead a pretty brown. it fit her and contrasted to her pale skin. "we're going out after this right?" she recalled their earlier phone call and remember the ravenette saying they needed to get 'wasted' after getting their 'faces beat.' she's pretty sure jungkook was already a little drunk when they talked this afternoon.

"fuck yeah." jungkook said right after starting the recording, "i'm actually gonna keep that in." he grinned at the camera and decided that was a good intro. scripted ones were boring.

"you guys remember hyuna right?" the ravenette said as he sat down next to his friend and reached up the play with her hair, "it's a little disappointing that i cant call you merida anymore."

"it's really not. but i can still call you annoying." she smiled sweetly and he couldn't help the twitch to his lips. sometimes it was just contagious.

sweet nothing | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now