sixty nine.

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49,762 likeskimtaesty: you suck

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kimtaesty: you suck.

junghoesux: dont even lie about who this about we are all not idiots
jeonfires: sassy taehyung is my favorite form
favguk: i'm wheezing i love them
kimeatjin: now is this the way you solve issues
kimtaesty: @kimeatjin yes
jungkook97: @kimeatjin yes
kimtaesty: @jungkook97 get out
jungkook97: @kimtaesty ✈️✈️✈️    
eboykoo: i cant tell if they're actually fighting or just trolling each other so idk if i should screenshot and uwu or cry because my ship is failing and on fire
taekooboo: jungkook better swim his ass over there and apologize
princeparkchim: whats saltier, the ocean or kim taehyung 

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