Protection from an...angel?

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Lock x child! reader.

Cuz he be lacking in fanfics. 0_0 Yous welcome.

If the picture is even there, its what Lock looks like now. I love it way more.


A small h/c girl sat upon a bench in a school yard. Quietly writing her poems.

One thing though, children were cruel, as was the world. Especially to the ones who were 'different'. One one labeled an 'outcast' was deemed a freak of nature.

Y/n herself was different, rather than making friends, she would hide herself away, humming, or talking to herself.

She didn't want to play with the other children, she would much rather stick to herself and write in peace.

Everyone in her class picked on her for not having friends, she would just block it all out..

Until today, when it got much, much worse.

The small girl closed her folder, hiding the poems away from prying eyes. She kept her eyes on the clouds, smiling at the small shapes they would make.

Until, someone had pushed her into the concrete, making her scrape her knees, blood sprinkled on the sidewalk.

The girl felt tears falling down her face as she looked up at the group of children, who stuck their fingers out in laughter.

The girl sniffles and takes off into the forest behind the school, hiding away from the crowd.

The children laughed and ripped her papers to shreds.


The girl was huddled into a small ball, crying into her hands, her scraped knees close to her chest.

She failed to notice the male standing in front of her, his arms flat against his sides, the bottom of his coat flowed in the wind, along with battered feathers from his dark wings.

He knelt down to her, his hand under her chin.

Her eyes met his and she stopped crying, staring at him in wonder.

He was a very pale monster, lacking skin, having snow white bones, red fingerless gloves on each hand, a black trench coat covered him, a red scarf flowed behind him, and finally,  huge wings were extended behind him, the tips fading to red and black.

The golden halo, lined with black thorns and a single scarlet rose, was floating above his head. Yet he had horns.

"Who hurt you?" He asked sternly, yet protectively.

The girl shook her head. "Th-they did... " She points a shaky hand at the playground, the same group of kids laughing and stomping on her folder.

He nods, not saying another word before picking her up and resting her to sit on his right shoulder.

She was surprised by his actions, but she held on tightly to his tattered scarf.

His wings began to flap, sparks of flames coming off of them, much like a Phoenix as he flew.

The children felt their hearts stop on fear, as the winged skeleton floated above them, his eyes burning in rage.

He took a deep breath in and took out a large sword, a broken heart amulet chained around the handle.

"Hurt her again and I will personally end you." He smirks, flames coming off his tongue.

The bullies stood there, frozen in terror.

"Run." He whispers, the blade of the sword coating with flames.

Their eyes widen, as they ran for the hills, probably soiling themselves as they ran home for their mommies.

The angel tucked away the sword, and looked to the girl. "They won't hurt you anymore."

The girl smiled and hugged him, tears of joy fell.

He smiled to himself, patting the girls hair as he flew her back down to the ground.

"Thank you Mister! But.. Why did you do that?" The girl asks, looking at him once more.

He sets her down on the ground and ruffles her hair. "Why? Well, I'm you're guardian angel of course. I'll always be there when you need me. Remember that, y/n."

He rubs the back of her small wrist with his thumb, tracing over the small birthmark she had, which resembled a broken heart.

"Will I ever see you again?" She asks, hugging him, taking in his spicy cinnamon scent.

He nods with a smile. "You will soon enough. Smile always, I'll be around."

He sets her down and sends her one last smile before shifting into a Phoenix and flying away.

The girl watched him, until he disappeared into the clouds.

She smiled and picked up one of his black feathers, tucking it behind her ear as she walked back into the school house.

She knew she'd be safe.

As long as she had her guardian angel with her.

Was he an angel really though?

He did have horns.

The girl stopped a minuet to think of this.

She shrugged her shoulders and went to her classroom.

End. (I don't even know. I got bored. And wanted to write something. And we need more of Angel Lockheart)

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