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Elements x reader. Since the last time I wrote about them was a month ago.

Sorry guys, I got sidetracked.

I've had this idea for a while, so here ya go with my tol boi's. :3

Everyone thought little octave was smol when he's six feet tall. XD


Thunder rumbled as you ran through the woods angry yelling far behind you as you ran for your life.

Thorns and twigs dug into your feet, scratching and impaling them. But you had to keep running, your 'boyfriend' was drunk again.

He couldn't follow you forever, this forest was huge and you knew you had to keep going to loose him.

The yelling had faded far into the distance as you took a sharp turn to the right.

Not watching and full of panic, you had tripped over a massive tree root, covered in two inch thorns. It had successfully twisted your ankle.

You tumbled down into a pile of sharp sticks and pinecones, covering your arms in sap. You had tears in your eyes from the pain in your ankle and from the fear.

You bit your fist as you tried to pull out the thorns, each more painful than the last.

Funny, you don't remember being this.. Numb? Tired? Before. Did those thorns secrete poison? Or spores?

Your cuts bled as your heartbeat slowed down and your vision went black. You had failed to notice a soaked figure taking careful steps towards your body.


"What was she doing out here?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?"

"Can you keep your voice down?"

"Both of you, quiet! She's waking up."

You clutched the side of your head as you tried to sit up, only to have a warm hand softly push you back down.

"Miss, please. Don't get up, rest your head for a minuet or two until your vision clears." A soft voice says next to you.

In your blurry vision, all you saw was a green blur that smelled of daisy's and sunflowers, it put its hand on your forehead.

The three blurs behind it wore orange, blue and baby blue. The orange one smelled of charcoal, the blue one smelled of coconuts, and the baby blue one smelled of feathers.

"Luckily you aren't sick. But I would stay off that ankle for a while." The green one said, turning its head to look at your wrapped foot.

Finally your vision had cleared and you saw four identical skeletons standing over you, each of them taller than the other.

One clad in green with antlers sat on a stool next to you, hands in his lap as he stared down at you, his half smile calming you.

The one dressed in orange stood with his arms crossed as he glared at you, his eyes holding burning daggers.

One sitting in a wicker chair held his arms close to his body, looking at you with curiosity, he wore a navy blue long coat.

The last one stood behind the antler one, staring down at you with concern as he peek over his shoulder.

"Alistair, get her some water would you?"

The winged one smiles and rushes behind the couch to a kitchen you presume.

"How is your head?" Antlers asks, tilting his head. You noticed the flower buds on his antlers.

"It's a little sore, but I think I'll be okay... Where am I?" You ask, looking around the living room that was mostly decorated in nature patterns.

"Sorry for my manners. I'm Aspen, and you're in my home. Igniter had found you injured and brought you to me." Aspen waves towards the skeleton in a burnt orange cloak.

He just scoffs and turns away from you. You swore you saw a faint tangerine blush on his cheeks.

"Octavian and Alistair followed after him, seeing that he was carrying an injured lady." Aspen puts his hands back in his lap. A habit, you think.

The one in the wicker chair looks at Aspen then you and smiles at the mention of his name. "We just wanted to see if you were okay." His voice was quiet, but you could hear it over the roaring fireplace.

Soon enough Alistair joined in and handed you a mug filled with cold water. The mug had a cute butterfly theme.

"Here you go miss! I'm Alistair by the way!" He giggles and plops on the arm of the couch.

After taking a few sips from the cup you smile at him. "Y/n."

Alistair grins with a sky blush.

Octavian gave you a shy smile.

Igniter chose to ignore you and sit on the floor next to the fireplace.

Aspen took your hand in his, thumb running over your knuckles. "It's nice to meet you miss. I hope you're doing okay since the fall."

"What was your simple self doing out here anyway? Don't you know that these woods are off limits!?" Igniter sends you a harsh glare.

Aspen sent him a glare. "Igniter, be nice."

"F**k off pot head." Igniter grits his teeth.

Aspen stares at him for a second then turns back to you. "I'm sorry, he can be a bit if a drama king. Now, if you would, why were you running around in a storm?"

You let out a shaky sigh. "I.. I ran away from my... Ex, he came home drunk and we started to argue.. So I ran away from him."

Aspen puts a hand over his mouth, Octavian gives you a sad look, Alistair's smile falls, And Igniter's harsh look falls into concern.

"That's horrible.." Aspen suddenly pulls you into a hug. "I am sorry you had to go through that, no one deserves that.."

Alistair joins in on the hug, wrapping his wings around the both of you. "Human males are stupid!" He mutters.

"Do you want me to burn his a**?" Igniter asks, getting sparks in his eyes.

"Would you do that for me?" You ask with a sad smile, looking over Aspen's shoulders.

Igniter's cheeks flush before he turns away from you, stomping a boot. "I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it because I want to and he deserves it!"

You smile, feeling comfortable around these skeletons, that were strangely dressed as royalty.

"You're safe here." Octavian tucks a strand of hair behind your ear as his ocean eyes meet yours.

"Thank you, but.. It doesn't matter if I'm a stranger to you?" You ask as Aspen and Alistair pull away.

"You're injured. Of course we'd take care of you, stranger or not." Aspen smiles a closed eye smile.

You smile because for the first time, in a long time, you felt....


And you had them to thank.

End. :3

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