Caring for a sick angel.

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Sick! Lockheart x reader.

Not a request, but this is for the LH lovers, its strange that he has fangirls now.

He and I love you guys though.

Why is he sick? Idk, got the idea when I randomly had a sneezing fit. -.-

(Hope ya love the moodboard, I made it while I was bored. Hopefully it's there.)


Cupid awoke to a loud growl, and something falling from across the hall.

The angel sighs and throws on his pink plush robe and leaves the warmth of his bedroom to check the disturbance.

All the doors that filled the hall were shut and locked for the night.. Maybe Cyrus fell asleep standing up again, or Amour is stabbing someone again.

Cupid kept quiet and listened.

Sneeze. Growl. Sizzle.

He facepalms.

Cupid runs to his twins room and unlocks the door with his spare key, only to find the newfound angel, face first on the floor, groaning.

"Lockheart.. What am I going to do with you." Cupid sighs, and struggles to pick up the shorter edgy version of himself off of the floor.

Cupid tosses him on his bed. "My goodness... You're as cold as death.. Did Amour get to you?" He lifts Lock's sheet to check for blood.

There was none.

"Okay.. By process of elimination, you're sick. I told you not to stay outside that long! You know what the cold does to you." Cupid huffs and takes a glove off to put a bare hand between the horns.

"Just as expected.. Your body heat dropped. You're supposed to be 3000 degrees.. Not 20.. This is far worse than I thought."

Cupid put his glove back over his hand and grabbed Locks phone off his bedside table.

He knew just who to call.

.....No not the ghost busters, we all love Jasper, don't we?


You were currently laying lazily in your bed, watching Netflix on your laptop, staying up late as you usually did.

You paused the movie/show that you were watching when your phone rang.


"Y/n? Thank goodness you're awake. Listen, Lockheart is running a cold, do you think you can keep an eye on him while I look for the potion that'll make him feel better?" Cupid asks, sounding worried, yet tired.

Well.. It was five in the morning.

"Running a cold? What does that even mean?" You ask.

"I knew you'd understand. Be here as soon as possible. I'm sending an idiot to pick you up now!"


Did he really just hang up on you?

You tossed your phone aside and went to make yourself look presentable.


You sat on your couch waiting impatiently, wasn't this an emergency?! Where the hell was everyone!?

Right before you could send an angry text to a confusing pixie, a gust of smoke appeared in your living room.

A tiny white bat stared at you, it looking tired and grumpy, until the smoke swirled and Hallow took the bat's place.

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