A day in the misfit mansion.

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Our group of spooky boi's need more fanfics. Here ya go.

I'm super happy rn, someone just made me fanart of Mari as a gaster blaster and its super cute. Omg.

You're all so creative and I love seeing everyone's art style. Sorry if I missed your art in the past, or recently. I get tons of notifications and its a lot to scroll through.

(Ones without or very little fanart- Cyrus, Bryce he's new tho, Chris, Gael, elements, Jasper, Romeo, Cupid, Hallow)

But feel free to draw whoever ya want. ;3 Love you all!

I draw em all the time, I'm just too lazy to color em.


You had woken up on the couch to the smell of garlic, which was odd. Wasn't Hallow deadly allergic to garlic?

Sitting up, the living room around you wasn't the same as the outcasts mansion?

You facepalm. Oh right, Creator said the boys are going through something and she'd prefer you not staying there until it passes.

Shes got Amour though, so you know not to worry too much.

Looking to the side, you saw Cyrus sitting in the recliner, drinking black coffee as he usually drank. Reading something off his screen.

"Morning Cyrus." You greet him with a smile, rolling on your side to face him better.

He looks over his screen and half smiles at you, revealing his pointy fangs. "Actually, its the afternoon silly human. You slept in late, Romeo is making dinner, well.. Trying with Jasper's help."

You nod and hop off the couch, setting your blanket aside, you walked into the kitchen that was to the left of the living room.

Cyrus rolled his eyes at the way you lazily toss your blankets, he stands to fix them for you.

"What would they do without me."  He shakes his head, chuckling lightly to himself.


"You're going to burn them! Turn the heat down!" Jasper scolds, turning the dials on the stove.

Romeo scoffs. "But more heat makes it better! I should know!"

"You defiantly didn't get any of Cupid's good qualities..." Jasper mumbles. "Move, I'll take care of dinner."

The incubus rolls his eyes and hops off the counter to wash his hands, hating it when dirt got under his nails.

"Hey guys." You greet them with a smile, only to take a seat at the counter. Sitting on a bar stool.

Jasper sends you a small smile, after wiping the blood from his teeth again, he turns back to the stove to stir the pot.

Romeo dries his hands and smirks once his eyes meet yours, he leans on the counter. "Well, someone has slept in late~! Not as late as me though! I got home from work a little after two am."

You blush at his wink, he just chuckles and plops next to you, reading some kind of fashion magazine.

A sudden buzzing caught your attention, Mari zooms into the kitchen with a skip in his step.

"Jasper! What's for dinner!" The bumblebee smiles, smelling like pollen and Lillie's as he usually did.

Jasper jumps and drops the spoon. "Oh! Mari you scared me! Um, good afternoon, we're making homemade pizza."

It was kind of ironic that someone spooked a spooky ghost.

You giggle to yourself.

Mari beams. "Ooh! My favorite! Need a hand? I've got four!" He spreads each of his arms.

Jasper lightly chuckles. "Of course, you can spread the sauce on the dough if you'd like."

Mari quickly scoots a stool over to the kitchen island, rolling up his sleeves to spread the marinara sauce on the soft tan dough.

Cyrus had entered the kitchen looking over everything, mostly Mari till his eyes rest on you. "Greetings y/n. Can you do me a favor?"

You spin on your stool to face the tall android. "Sure, whatcha need help with?"

Cyrus hands you a paper brown bag. "Take this to the siren in the pool. Its his snack for the day."

You tale the heavy bag in your hands, it smelled.. Horrible. "Bryce?"

"Correct. I would do it myself but, I loathe that salty bastard. Thank you darling."  He winks and returns to the living room to order more things online.

You hop off the stool and slip a pair of Mari's flip-flops on and walk out onto the backyard out of the sliding glass door.


It looks like Mari was attempting to make a garden of his one, it was small but there were lots of sunflowers.

A few honeybees buzzed around them happily, a small fountain was located in the middle, flower petals were thrown into it.

He may have had asked Aspen for an extra literal green thumb.

The pool however was located down some steps to the far right, it was a large rectangle in the middle of the yard.

A few lounge chairs were around it, but it looked like no one used them that often.

A few lillypads grew into the pool, the water was dark blue and murky, but there was a slight teal glow under the waves.

Sitting at the waters edge, you put your toe into the water, it was freezing! You quickly pulled your feet back out and folded your legs.

Something scaly grabbed your ankle, you squeal and try to hit it with a twig, that broke seconds later.

The siren himself chuckled loudly and popped his head out of the water. "Ha! You should have seen your face! So terrified over little ol me? How delicious~!"

"Not funny!" You splash him.

He rolls his eyes and swims over to you, propping his head up on his palms. "So, what brings you here angelfish?"

A blush glows on your cheeks and you quickly hand him the bag, only to cross your arms.

He takes it from you and opens it. "Lunch time isn't it? Thank you my sweet pearl.~"

He tosses the bag to the side of the pool, only to munch on a couple fish heads.

"Why don't you take a dip? Waters fine~." He grins, licking the blood off of his shark like teeth.

You shake your head, simply looking at him in wonder. For something so large and made of nightmares, he was rather pretty for a male.

You blush.

Maybe that was just his humming getting to you.

"Oh come on, I don't bite~ Well, that's a lie, but join me.~" Bryce snickers and wiggles his fins playfully.

"She said no." You hear Romeo say, he stood next to you with his arms crossed.

"And I want my pool back." Romeo frowns, helping you to your feet.

"Sorry demon boy, I plan on staying here permanently, And there is nothing you can do about it.~" Bryce sticks his neon tongue out and ducks under the water.

Romeo rolls his eyes and takes your hand in his. "Come on sugar, dinner is ready. It reeks of stuck up a**hole out here."


After dinner, Mari thought it'd be fun to make a pillow fort.

Inside the fort, Mari was cuddling you with each of his strong arms, Your head was in Cyrus's lap while he did little repairs to his wrists.

Romeo had a weird obsession with cuddling your hips and thighs, his cheek was against your knees.

Jasper slept floating next to you, although a little chilly, it wasn't unpleasant.

One of your favorite movies played on the tv, with the volume turned down.

Maybe you should stay here more often.

End. :3

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