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Lockheart x reader x Amour.

Why? Why not? I got bored.

School setting cuz why not.

Oh, I downloaded gancha I just have no idea how to animate lmao. The skit thing is frustrating to use XD


Class had just started and you already had a massive headache. You hadn't gotten much sleep last night since your neighbors were a**holes.

The door opened, there stood Lockheart dragging Amour by the bow around his neck. "Sorry we're late. Stupid a**hats bulling my brother again."

Your teacher sent him a glare. "Mr.Valentine, I suggest that you choose not to use that language in my class room. Take your seat."

Lockheart rolled his eyes and sat behind you, Amour quietly tip toed to his seat in front of you.

Papers were passed around the classroom, each having different grades on them. Yesterday was a stupid pop quiz no one needed.

You got a B-, you smiled and looked over at Lockheart who had gotten and F, but it seemed like he didn't give an F about it.

Amour lifted his blindfold slightly, he had gotten an A. How? You didn't know.

"Now, some of you I was impressed! Others.. Not so much." She sends daggers at the horned angel.

"Munch my a** b*tch." Lockheart mumbled, making you giggle slightly.

The rest of class went as boring as it always did, besides the small talk you quietly made with the bad boy behind you.

Soon enough, the bell had rang, meaning it was time for lunch. Thank god finally.

As you struggled to open your locker again, you failed to notice the skeleton in red sneaking up behind you.

How? His heels were loud as hell.

Amour just fiddled with his fingers as he tiptoed behind his brother, nervously.

"How much are you going to fiddle with that thing?" Lockheart chuckled and punched it, making it open.

You turn to him with a blush, after putting your thing away and shutting it once more. "Thanks LH."

"A-are y-you going t-to join us for l-l-lunch?" Amour asks, pink blush on his cheeks as he had his head down.

You smile at the not so innocent bean and pinch his cheek, which lacked heart stamps. "Of course mori."

"You two are going to give me cavities. Hurry your a**ses up, I'm hungry." Lockheart grabbed both of your hands and dragged you to the cafe.


Sitting at your usual table, them both on either side of you, Amour nibbling on his sugar cookies, while Lock grumbled about the food tasting like dog sh*t.

"So, where's Cupid and Romeo?" You ask, noticing said twins were missing currently.

"Cupid is probably in his dumba** cooking club, and Romeo got detention for making out with a girl in the bathroom." Lockheart answered, picking at his chicken nuggets.

Amour set his cookie down. "That is disgusting.. "

"And? Do I give a f**k? No." Lock replies, drinking his soda.

"So, y/n, you free this Saturday?" Lockheart asks, twirling his fork as he spoke.

You set your sand which down. "Yeah, I don't think I have any plans."

"Good, I was gonna make you cancel them anyway." He winks, making a pink blush show on your cheeks.

An extremely flustered and giddy girl walked up to Lockheart, love in her eyes. "Hi! You're Cupid's brother right?"

He sighs and crosses his arms. "Yeah why?"

"Well, I was wondering if.. I-.. You see I really like you and.."

"Let me stop you right there. Not interested. F**k off." He wraps his arm around your waist.

Amour grit his teeth at that, yet no one noticed.

"But- Cupid said-"

"Get your desperate a** away from me before I kick it." He hisses, horns glow with anger.

The girl frowned and was on the edge of crying as she ran off to cry to her friends.

"That was harsh." You elbow him in the side.

"Again, look at my face, does it look like I give a f**k? No." He snickers and presses a kiss to your cheek.

Amour suddenly stabbed his fork into his food then stood up. "I need to be excused..." He quickly stomps his way out of the lunch room, which was still strangely quiet.

"Is he okay?" You ask the brother next to you.

Lockheart shrugged his shoulders and went back to his nacho doritios. "Who knows, he's a weird sh*t and we don't get him."

Looking back to the tray you saw that the tray was snapped in half. "I'm going go check on him."

"Suit yourself." Lock steals a bite of your muffin as you leave.


Amour sat in the library, in the corner as he usually did, his blind fold off as he looked at his shaking hands.

Fear looked at him from the checkout desk and shook his head. "Poor thing, doesn't even understand his own emotions." He whispers to himself.

You sent a slight wave to the widow as you walked passed his desk to find the shy angel.

Which didn't have a halo for.. Whatever reason.

"Amour, are you okay?" You take a seat next to him, he quickly puts his blindfold back around his pretty eyes.

"I'm okay.. I guess.. I'm happy for you.. Y/n, it just hurts." He sniffles, tucking his face into his bow.

You pull him close, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, which were tense until you touched him.

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Lockheart.. I figured you'd pick him. He's much more stronger and.. Better than me.." He mumbles, his usual soft voice getting softer and lower.

"What? Amour were not dating." You giggle, pecking his cheek. "I like both of you equally."

He shudders as his cheeks flush a vibrant pinkish gold. "Really?"

"Yeah! You dork!" You hug him tighter, taking in his rosy scent.

"Gross. Romance, move it. Let me join." Lockheart pouted and sat on your right, arm around your waist.

Amour growled like an angry puppy and pulled you into his lap. "Mine."

"Okay you possessive little sh*t. You gotta learn to share." Lock says with a bitter smirk as he twirls a strand of your hair with his finger.

Your cheeks were on fire.

"Oh and another thing. About dating? Yeah, were dating now." Lockheart snickers and wraps his massive wings around the both of you.

Amour pouted but seemed okay with it as he snuggled his face into the nape of your neck.

Fear looked at you all from a distance and rolled his eyes, having a slight smile as he went back to his book.

'Cute.' He thought.

End. <3

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