Maid for chaos. (Teaser #2)

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'Kindness' was the first teaser for it. I'm super hype to make it. It finally has a title! Yes its a pun, who cares? XD

Pic above is random. I got bored and doodled Hallow since I almost never draw him.. And that's sad.

Hallow: hello darkness my old friend..


You stood in the foyer, clutching the handle of your suitcase nervously, where was everyone?

The man on the phone said someone was supposed to greet you, but the front door was unlocked, was anyone even home?

The mansion was huge, to the right was a large dining hall and perhaps a kitchen, to the left was a living room, in front of you was a grand staircase leading two different directions.

How many people lived here exactly?

"Hello?" Your voice echoed into the halls of the manor, giving it a eerie silence.

"I'm not at the wrong place, am I?" You look over the address in your palm where you wrote it down. "No, this is the place, but why is it such a ghost town?"

Suddenly you hear rushed footsteps as someone jogged down the stairs. "Sorry! I was tending to things!" A male's voice muttered nervously.

You let out a sigh. Good, someone was home.

Once down the steps you saw a short skeleton monster, dressed in pink. His pale pink angel wings seemed to be ruffled slightly. A halo shined above his head. He had a satchel around his midsection, and a pack of arrows on his back.

"Hello! You must be y/n, right?" He asks, with his gloved hand out. "I'm Cupid Valentine. Sorry that I didn't greet you earlier." He nervously smiles, rubbing the back of his neck.

He had very tiny hands.

You shook his hand and politely bowed. "Its nice to meet you Master Cupid, and its okay I understand."

He smiles. "Well, I guess you should meet the others, I just want to warn you were all on the strange side.."

He takes you by the hand and basically drags you into the living room, making you abandon your suitcase.

Once in the living room your eyes widened at the various skeletons of different species and sizes.

One dressed in a black dress coat side glared at you as he laid on the loveseat with his arms behind his head. He had two devil horns on his forehead, a small heart tipped tail swished by his side.

Four others sat on the large L shaped couch, each staring at you with different emotions.

One had a book in his lap, he looked at you from the corner of his eye- many eyes. He wore a navy blue trenchcoat, grey dress pants, and black felt boots. A pair of glasses framed his face. He was much smaller than the others.

One sat next to him with his legs up on the coffee table, he was smirking at you. A vibrant pair of sunglasses rested on his face. He wore a leather jacket with green accents, a dark purple v-neck shirt underneath, with a pair of green and black jeans. He had knee high converse shoes. He had snakes for hair!?

Beside him with his arm over the back of the couch, sat a fluffy eared skeleton. His hair draped over on of his eyes, its tips blue. Fluffy grey tail moved slightly behind him. He wore a worn half jacket with tan fuzz around the hood, under it, he wore a torn flannel shirt. A pair of jeans covered his long legs, combat boots tapped against the floor. He smiles at you.

The last one, had two purple bat wings attached to his back. His half jacket was inspired by a jack-o-lantern, orange fluff around the hood, and cuffs of the torn sleeves. A light orange t-shirt under it. His waist had a studded candy corn belt around it. He wore orange jeans that faded to black at the heels. His neon yellow converse looked rather comfortable.

"Guys, this is y/n, she's going to be working for us from now on." Cupid smiles at the others.

"I thought I smelled human." The Halloween one spoke with a slight Russian accent, yet it also sounded like count Dracula.

Cupid chose to ignore him.

"Y/n, I'd like you to meet everyone. That's Hallow, he's a vampire. Don't worry though, he uses a blood substitute." Cupid reassures you, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"The Gorgon is Cobradusa, but call him Coby. If he bothers you, come to me." Cupid glares at him.

Coby's smirk only widens as he adjusts his shades in a flirtatious way. "We're going to get along just fine sweetkins." His fork tongue flickered at the 's' as he spoke.

"Next to him is Asher, he's a werewolf, but he acts more like a puppy more than anything."

Asher half waves to you with a grin. "Nice ta meet cha y/n." His voice was laced with a heavy Irish accent.

You smile back at him. Loving his aura, he was a dork, you could tell. A loveable dork.

"That's Fear, he's a loner. I'm actually surprised he's here to greet you." Cupid lifts a brow.

Fear simply looks up at you with a judgmental stare that made you feel self conscious. His violet eyes pierced through you, making you feel like prey, before going back to the thick book in his hands.

"And lastly, that's Lockheart, my brother. He's a jerk, so don't feel too bad if he insults you, he always acts like that." Cupid rolls his eyes.

Lockheart scoffed. "Just stay away from me. Humans are disgusting, don't f**king touch me, unless you want third degree burns all over your body!" He hisses.

You slightly back away and hide a little behind Cupid, even though he was a little shorter than you.

"Well, now that you've met everyone, I guess you can pick who you want to take you to your room and give you your schedule." Cupid turns to you.

You look over each of them a few times.

"So, who vwill it be pumpkin?" Hallow asks with a fanged smile.


TBC. :3

Hope you enjoyed this preview.

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