Little book spider.

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Human! Fear x reader.

If his picture is there, how is fear so damn pretty!? Omg! Somebody draw this beautiful boi.


A shy girl by the name of y/n, which is you, always had a love for reading and writing. She wrote sometimes on the side, but she mostly loved to read.

And once she heard that there was a job opening for volunteering in the library, she was ecstatic!

She sat in the hall way, on one of the benches, nervously fiddling with her hands. Her anxiety was off the charts!

"Miss l/n?" Someone called to her, snapping her out of her small daze.

She looks up and her cheeks turn a slight pink. In front of her was a short male with pale skin, it was clear he didn't get out much.

His hair was a bright white, covering his face slightly, the ends faded to black, there was a single red streak trough his bangs.

Red glasses framed his face as his lavender eyes stared down at her. He wore the schools uniform, but having a navy blue trenchcoat thrown over top of it.

He was very cute.. Y/n's cheeks burned at her thoughts, she struggled to look him in the eyes.

"My mother wishes to speak with you about volunteering in the library?" He tilts his head, blowing his bangs out of his eyes.

She swore she thought she saw a second pair of eyes under those ivory locks, but maybe she was just seeing things.

"O-oh! Of course! Heh sorry! I mist have spaced out.." Y/n mutters in a flustered way.

The male nods. "Its quite alright. Please head into her office to speak with her, I'm going to take care of the returns." With that he bows and walks away with his arms behind his back.

It was strange.. The back of his coat had a very large red hourglass.

Y/n shakes her head and walks into the small office trying to clear her mind from the handsome male from before.


Y/n had a smile on her face as she greeted students who entered the library, each of them waved back politely.

Sebastian as she learned the name of, kept to himself and he worked in the library as well. He would put the books away while she took care of the front desk.

But, as nice as libraries are, not all of them are as quiet as the others.

One day during her shift, a few boys from the sports team decided to hang out in the library, loudly. Eating snacks and getting crumbs everywhere.

Y/n tried to ask them to leave, tried to tell them to keep down, tried to ask them to spend their time else where.

Which only led to confrontation, the boys surrounded her with anger in their eyes, hating that a dork like her would even try and stand up to them.

The girl cowered away, only to get backed up into a corner, the leader of their group found it funny at how scared she looked.

"P-please just leave me be- i- I won't bother you again!" She yelps once one of them grabs her hair roughly.

"Get your hands off her." A voice hisses, making the group of males turn to see Sebastian's glare.

"What are you going to do half pint!?"  One of them laughs.

"Please, leave the grown ups alone, get back to your play ground baby boy." The brunette smirks.

"Y/n.. Close your eyes." Sebastian mutters, black liquid begins to drip down his chin and eyes.

Y/n fearfully nodded and covered her eyes with her hands, shrinking away into the corner, her knees to her chest.

Sebastian took off his glasses and tucked them away into his coat pocket, opening his eyes there were completely black, lacking pupils as the ooze dripped down his face.

"What the hell!?" One of the boys shout.

Sebastian slowly began to rise as many arachnid legs sprouted out from his back, making sickening cracking sounds as they stretched from their usual folding position.

Each of their eyes widen as they try and back away from him, one of them ended up tripping.

Slowly, the ivory headed male's face began to split into two halves, revealing massive rows of teeth, venom dripped onto the carpet.


The group of boys quickly ran out of the library with their tails tucked between their legs, a few of them crying or calling for their mother.

Y/n still had her eyes covered, she was slightly whimpering to herself, shaking and waiting for the screams to stop.

A cold hand removed one of her, holding it in his as he rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. "Are you alright?"

She opens her eyes and sees a worried pair of violet ones in front of her.

She nods and suddenly hugs him. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

A light blush rose on his cheeks as he slowly hugged her back, his arms around her shoulders.

"Y-your welcome.." He clears his throat awkwardly and pulls away from the embrace.

"Can I.. May I take you out for a cup of tea? Just to forget all that's happened today?" He asks, helping her up off the floor.

She smiles. "I'd like that."

End. :3 Hope ya enjoyed!

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